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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Obama Added $7.917 Trillion to the National Debt, 68 Percent Spike

President Barack Obama added an additional $7.917 trillion to America’s national debt, which amounts to a 68 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt level President George W. Bush accrued by the end of his presidency.

While there are several ways to determine a president’s contribution to the U.S. debt, the most accurate figure is achieved by combining the budget deficits from each fiscal year and adding the total amount to whatever the debt level was at when the last president left office.

For example, when President George W. Bush took office the national debt level was at $5.8 trillion. Bush added $5.849 trillion to the national debt. So when President Obama was sworn in, the national debt level was at $11.657 trillion.


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