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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Party of No? Dems prepare for battle with Trump on Cabinet picks, agenda

After blasting Republican colleagues for years over their blockade of President Obama’s agenda, Democrats are gearing up for their turn as the opposition party – planning to throw up early roadblocks for President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks and proposals.

With the new Congress set to convene Jan. 3 – and Trump set for his inauguration on Jan. 20 – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi last week issued a call to action to her rank and file to fight Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, one of Republicans’ top agenda priorities for 2017.

Pelosi is planning to intensify the “drumbeat” in the week before the inauguration, setting Jan. 14 as a “national day of action with events across the country.”

The Democrats’ bid to fend off Republican attacks on Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement is no surprise. But the resistance extends well beyond fortifying their ObamaCare defenses.

Bloomberg reports that Democrats are preparing for a separate fight with Republicans over plans to overhaul the tax code.

“There’s going to be opposition if these tax cuts are directed to the people at the top again,” Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., the next top Democrat on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee, told Bloomberg. “We’re going to be pretty united.”



  1. Dems better be prepared to fight because the new administration has very little baggage (hence nothing during Trump's election run) and current Dems probably have baggage. See, under the old regime - each party had dirty laundry but chose NOT to air it. Why? So everyone kept their cush jobs.

    New Sheriff in town who doesn't hesitate causing a spade a spade. So if a Dem blocks a nominee - that Dem better pray they don't have any baggage or he/she will get TRUMPED!

    Sit back and watch cuz things will get dirty - INDEED!

  2. Democrats can't stop any Trump cabinet pick, thanks to Harry Reid. Enjoy it Dems, you screwed yourselves lol

  3. It's just politics. Hopefully with that nut job Reid, who tangled with an exercise machine and lost, gone saner heads will prevail and tag along with Making America Great Again.


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