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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Nancy Pelosi: I Don't Think Democrats 'Want A New Direction'

Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” when asked about the direction of the Democratic Party, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) downplayed the possibility of a new direction.

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: The Democratic party is in a moment of questioning about its identity. You were reelected to lead the Democrats in the house. What do you tell Democrats who want a new direction and what are you going to do differently?

PELOSI: I don’t think people want a new direction. Our values unify us and our values are about supporting America’s working families. that’s one that everyone is in agreement on. What we want is a better connection of our message to working families in our country, and that clearly in the election showed that that message wasn’t coming through. But we are united in terms of the security of our country, which is our first responsibility. To be smart and strong and not reckless in how we protect the American people, strong in how we protect our economy.



  1. And this voter doesn't care what you think or say. I can't forget when this dope was flying home everyday from D.C., on our dime. Worthless person needs to retire before the decay omits more of an odor.

  2. Definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

  3. They STILL don't get it.
    It's always been about THEM and their unquenchable desire for power.
    Keep it up.

  4. I remember Barry lecturing us that it's not his message that's the problem, it's that we are not smart enough to understand what is good for us. Messaging IS the problem! How about we just go with THE TRUTH?

  5. Yo, Nancy! Keep taking your party in the wrong direction...the rest of the country woke up and voted for change that will benefit the majority of the country not just localized majority of dumb@$$3$ that voted for more government and handouts!

  6. She is a mental case, and she wonders why the Democratic Party lost!

  7. She is one rich, politically powerful b.tch. She will not relinquish her power until she dies, just like the senator from W. Virginia. She is what's wrong with congress and the government. She IS the poster child for term limits.

  8. You just keep that up Nancy, and the Republicans will stay in office for a long time.

  9. Stupidity has no bounds!


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