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Monday, December 12, 2016

Mayor Pugh names top staff, to pay top advisers $805,000

Baltimore Mayor Catherine E. Pugh, who was inaugurated Tuesday, will pay her five top advisers a total of about $805,000.

Her chief of staff, former schools CEO Tisha Edwards, is to be paid $190,000, which is $19,000 more than Pugh's salary.

Former Del. Peter Hammen, Pugh's chief of operations, and former Baltimore County executive James T. Smith Jr., her chief of strategic alliances, will each make $175,000.

Karen Stokes, director of government relations, will be paid $137,000. Anthony McCarthy, director of communications, will get $125,000.



  1. Throw all the $$$$ you want at Baltimore politics, its still Baltimore. Kinda like lipstick on a pig!!!!

  2. From the frying pan into the fire !

  3. Such corruption and nobody cares.

    We are not only circling the drain, we are caught in the vortex with no way out. Enjoy your chains people of Maryland.

  4. Sorry...is this the same person that went to the President elect on Saturday looking for handouts? The welfare mind set is alive and well in Maryland politics. Get ready folks. A major change of philosophy is about to hit this country. No more free lunches.

  5. The entitlement crown will continue to be awarded to Baltimore with the help of these new administrators.

  6. How many metropolitan cities can you name with corrupt, democratic led mayors and councils? Keep the people dependent on you and you get them to vote for you. It's the democratic party mantra. And those at the top live like aristocracy, where the power makes them think the rules don't apply.

  7. Some of those salaries are not far off from what some positions in OC make.

  8. And they claim Baltimore is broke and needs more money for schools and programs. Hogan needs to cut off MD tax dollars and let Baltimore pay their own expenses. Get the State out of Baltimore and move their offices to Annapolis.

  9. I hope they have a good dental plan

  10. Wow sounds like they have a real good gig going on there
    Take care of your own
    So sad


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