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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Make sure your recycling bin doesn’t tip off holiday thieves

WASHINGTON — There’s one last step homeowners can do to protect their gifts this season: Pay attention while taking out the trash.

St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department is reminding its online followers to think twice before throwing out the boxes for their new electronics and gaming systems this holiday.

Similar to how delivered packages are vulnerable to theft before recipients bring them inside to wrap, officials say advertising the holiday haul, especially pricey electronics, at the recycling bin could catch a criminal’s eye.


1 comment:

  1. HA - recycling bins. Don't have to worry about recycling in OC. Supposedly the cost is too much to have a recycling program - burn/incinerate all the trash instead. Especially from May to September when the 2nd Largest City (OC) has the most consumption of beverages and leftover recyclables. I suppose there is data that shows incineration is beneficial to Ocean City. Not anyplace in Delaware (the landfill/incinerator) or in MD proper.

    Here comes 2017!


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