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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Leading DNC Candidates Duck Debate Over Obama's Handling Of UN Israel Resolution

The Obama administration’s abstention from a United Nations resolutioncondemning Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem has engendered impassioned reaction from all corners of the political universe, save one.

The candidates running to take over the Democratic National Committee have, so far, steadfastly avoided the topic, even as it divides their own party.

A spokesperson for Labor Secretary Tom Perez told The Huffington Post that Perez wouldn’t be weighing in on the matter “given his role in the cabinet.” Several requests for comment sent over several days to Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) were not returned. A similar request to New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley went unanswered, while a statement from South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison notably avoided taking a position.

“Supporters of a two-state solution may differ on the tactics that are most likely to bring it about. Where there are good-faith policy disagreements among Democrats, it is not the role of the DNC Chair to take sides,” Harrison said. “What I will do as DNC Chair is lead the charge where Democrats are united. Here, that means maintaining our support for a two-state solution and opposing any measures the Trump Administration may take to undermine Israel’s future as Jewish and democratic, principles which the President-elect appears to have minimal appreciation for.”


1 comment:

  1. Hoyer certainly fired the first canon across the barrel AGAINST Obama.



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