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Saturday, December 03, 2016

Kellogg Foundation Provided Nearly $1 Million to Support Black Lives Matter

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which maintains strong financial ties to the Kellogg Company, has provided at least $930,000 in support of the controversial work of the Black Lives Matter organization.

The financing is listed on the Foundation’s website. It includes a June 1, 2016 grant to the International Development Exchange, which is in a contractual relationship with Black Lives Matter to process donations for the group.

The Associated Press reported the International Development Exchange, also known as IDEX, “has been acting as a mostly unseen financial arm of Black Lives Matter, with the ability to receive grants and tax-deductible donations on the group’s behalf.”

“More recently, the relationship evolved into a contractual partnership that will run through at least mid-2017,” the AP reported.



  1. Just curious the "mix" of employee culture since I think Kellogs is in Battle Creek Michigan and wondering if the need to support efforts like BLM is critical to them as an ongoing concern. Since when do American companies take such a public stand for a volatile movement especially involving civil discord?

  2. I will not buy products from a company which supports riots against Democracy and against "conservative" views. That tells me they believe in Totalitarian Government rule not Democracy.

  3. Why they supporting a Racisit Group >>> what they get from that ??? Even the Black Sheriff on Tv says it IS a
    Racist group with ties to Black Panthers /Farakon / !!!

  4. There are plenty of other products in the stores to buy. I'm surprised they aren't making black Cheerios.

  5. 12:43
    What would they call them? Omamaoos?

  6. Cheerios are made by General Mills but don't let facts get in the way.....

  7. I used to buy and enjoy Kellogg cereal but you can count on me not buying their products anymore. Since they elected to turn on the very country that provided their good fortune, I will not support them giving money to any radical group for the purpose of civil unrest.

  8. 1:09 I'm aware that Cheerios are made by General Mills. That makes no difference. They could call them Coc coc O's, or Mini Tire Tubes, etc.

  9. Not only will I boycott the product, I cleaned out the cupboard of the junk. There are many more products and services that don't want my hard earned money.

  10. Breakfast cereals are mostly a vehicle for white sugar, anyway, nothing that any of us really needs. Throw it all out and make some real breakfast.


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