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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Keith Ellison: "We Are Able to Take Muslim Presence on Capitol Hill from Zero to a Real Player

Sometimes the enemy slips up and tells you his agenda.

Keith Ellison had a clear path to heading the DNC. He had the backing of Harry Reid and Schumer. He was the leading prog candidate. Howard Dean dropped out to clear the path for him. But the Investigative Project has stayed on this. It's released audio of some of his speeches, particularly to Muslim groups, and the content is certainly revealing.

There are rants about Israel in this one. All the stuff you expect. But there are also revealing comments like these about the larger Islamist plan for America.

There is a larger strategy to gain and build influence.

"We need to have so much goods and services going back and forth between this country and the Muslim world that if we say we need this right here, then everybody is saying, OK. Do you understand my point? If you, I mean you've got to be strategic. And these things are not overnight, they're not a one and done. It takes time to build these relationships and they got to be built."

The larger goal is influence and domination.

"I am telling you, that with your help, we are able to take Muslim presence on Capitol Hill from zero to a real player. And this is what we're trying to do and we got to do it in every state house in America, we got to do it in the Capitol Hill."

"The message I want to send to you is that what you're doing by donating to this campaign is positioning me and positioning Muslims in general to help steer the ship of state in America. You understand what I am saying? Steer it in a direction that makes sense"

"CAIR has not fallen, they are fighting and struggling every day.."



  1. We need to watch this guy like a hawk!

    Document how this Slime's agenda will harm our country and associate it with the Dumbocrat party agenda! They should not EVER be allowed to exert any influence of power over anything this country does in the future!

  2. Dave T: Steer the course of America how? So Muslims can change this country to how they see fit? Down with you Muslim trash !

  3. This is NOT diversity. This is stupidity.

  4. And how is that working out for us?

  5. This guy can be deported legally in a heart beat. It's because of the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952. President Jimmy Carter used it in 1974 and sent over 15,000 Iranians back home because they had overstayed their Visas or entered The USA illegally. Trump knows the law. Obama probably does too but believes he's God and refuses to recognize existing laws.

  6. Most Americans I know are NOT very interested in having any muslims help us "steer the ship".
    look where WE have come in 230+ years.
    Look at where THEIR countries are after the last 230+ years.
    What dumb ace thinks we need their help with ANYTHING???
    By the way, for all you revisionist history buffs, muslims had ZERO input on our country's formation, Constitution, or culture, unless you refer to the ace whipping we had to put on muslim pirates who thought we were pushovers.
    They had NO input for NASA, either, despite obamas proclamation of their wonderful acheivements in space travel and exploration.
    The dumb democrats are NEVER interested in the merits/qualifications of individuals they put in positions of authority ("we need a WOMAN president..."; the FISRT thing they look at is gender, color, sexual strangeness, and country of origin.
    Which is why they are in shambles. They promoted to president a guy who never even ran a Kool-Aid stand and was bereft of any business or political skill -- he was BLACK!
    Now, of ALL the possible candidates, they find a MUSLIM to head the democratic party.
    Look at the people they paraded in front of the country at their convention -- transgendered whacks, homosexuals, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (!!), criminals and traitors.
    Keep cheering.


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