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Monday, December 05, 2016

Jill Stein's Biggest Lie

The next time you hear Jill Stein state that 80% of the voters want a recount, remember, like most Liberals, she's a scammer, trying to normalize fraudulent fundraising. Proof:
Also for those naysayers, on Twitter, you aren't allowed to vote more than once and the poll taker is not allowed to vote at all. Furthermore, no one has 3500 Twitter accounts!

Seems Stein has her percentages backwards like her moral compass. 


  1. When this woman first entered the race I thought OK she is doing it for a moral principal but now I think she is a total POS just like Hillary.

  2. Chris Wallace slammed her Sunday.

  3. I saw the exchange on FOX News Sunday and it was obvious Chris Wallace had lost all patience with her. Like the left liberals Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein she is a moonbat.

  4. That survey captured 0.0011 % of the US population. Assuming everyone who voted is from the US

  5. If she really is a doctor, these kinds of antics only tell me she isn't much of a doctor and patients should run not walk away from her practice. She is a mental case. If she has this much time to throw away, she certainly isn't to devoted to her patients in my opinion.


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