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Friday, December 16, 2016

Iran Stages Massive War Drills In Show of ‘Supremacy’

Iran has been conducting a series of massive war-drills meant to demonstrate the Islamic Republic’s “supremacy” and show Western forces that the country is prepared to attack forces stationed in the Persian Gulf region, according to Iranian military leaders and reports in the country’s state-run media.

The war drills, which began on Sunday in southeastern Iran and continued into Monday, include ground and air forces as well as unmanned drones.

The war games coincided with the public release by Iran of a new unmanned drone, the latest in a series of such aircraft publicly flown by Tehran in recent months.

Iran military leaders warned the United States against taking any provocative action in the region and promised a swift military response, according to comments over the weekend as the war drills began.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s military forces enjoy supremacy over the Persian Gulf region more than any other time,” Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri, the deputy chief of staff of Iran’s Armed Forces, was quoted as saying over the weekend. “The military and security conditions of the Persian Gulf are in a way that the enemy’s forces and equipment are fully within the range of the Iranian military men.”



  1. They see their brother obama being removed , no more cash , no more arms , their strength is in their sand , with their heads.
    8 years of bliss with the muslim president obama is over!

  2. 619am cut it clown. We all saw long ago that it was you fools who marched us into Iraq to chase shadows while Iran continued to build WMD and sponsor terror.

  3. Who would that be 7:51? So you feel obama did anything different but continue to carry the water for the globalists? Whos the fool? Trump on the other hand is a nationalist, which equates to protecting the freedoms afforded us in the constitution. Not a dictate from the UN,globalist bankers, fake MSM,lost useful idiots,or american communist. i.e. democrats! Someone been pushing to continue this gravy train war machine. SOMEONE is the puper master to most of these traitors. Hopefully,Trump does not get left holding the bag of excrement he is being handed. I feel if you give him lemons he will make lemonade!! That's the American way. What's wrong with the attitude that America is open for business and willing to deal and benefit everyone! everyone profits in a trump economy.The MSM has been pushing this fake narrative that everything is sunshine and flowers under Obama. Of course his destructive policies will be felt for years and take decades to recover from. Hopefully we still have time to reverse his and our leaders treasonous acts to our protection, security and sovereignty.

  4. Not worried.....we can DRILL them with some of our
    Cruise Missiles ....anytime we choose !!!

    They should study recent history with Iraq !! We did a great
    job of kicking their asses and can do the same to them !!

  5. Wooooooooo.....We NOT scared !!! bring it on

    and by the way ....don't Dare trying capturing any more
    American Navy men....things will be different Next Time !!

    Trump will Teach you a Lesson ......

  6. Iran's fleet of dingys and gliders don't scare me- bring it Persia!


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