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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Iran sanctions renewal becomes law without Obama signature

In an unexpected reversal, President Barack Obama declined to sign a renewal of sanctions against Iran but let it become law anyway, in an apparent bid to alleviate Tehran's concerns that the U.S. is backsliding on the nuclear deal.

Although the White House had said that Obama was expected to sign the 10-year-renewal, the midnight deadline came and went Thursday with no approval from the president. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama had decided to let it become law without his signature.

"The administration has, and continues to use, all of the necessary authorities to waive the relevant sanctions" lifted as part of the nuclear deal, Earnest said in a statement.

Under the Constitution, the president has 10 days after Congress passes a bill to sign it, veto it or let it become law with no signature if Congress is still in session. Although lawmakers have returned home for the holidays, Congress technically has not adjourned and is holding "pro-forma" sessions this week.



  1. So obviously we have a deal with the Saudis to keep oil prices low during Obama's Presidency. So let the oil prices go up and finish off the economy after Trump takes office. The Saudis will only play ball if we sanction Iran though.

  2. Voting present again

  3. Obama too busy taking his series of Vacations before he
    leaves office on Airforce One ............


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