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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Government Destroys Couple's Rights Over Rainwater: "If You're Honest, They Take Everything Away"

With each passing year, SHTFPlan.com's Mac Slavo notes there are more and more challenges to personal property and individual sovereignty.

Despite the resilience it lends to our national security, the government has proven again and again that it wishes to clamp down on the ability to prep, survive and self-sustain off grid, and without the need for the system’s supply chain.

You can hardly build your own place, grow your own food, collect your own water or take care of yourself without the intervention of those in authority. There is need to push back against this continued intrusion of our lives.

Couple Forced to Destroy 40-Year-Old Pond On Their Own Property Because Govt Owns The Rainwater

Authored by Claire Bernish via The Free Thought Project,

An Oregon couple has been told they must destroy a 2-acre pond on their land — the property’s most attractive feature — because the government said so.

Although Jon and Sabrina Carey purchased the 10-acre property near Butte Falls two and a half years ago, the pond has been in place for 40 years — but that fact doesn’t matter to the Jackson County Watermaster’s Office.

“I basically bought a lemon,” said Jon, who became teary-eyed at the edge of the partially ice-covered body of water being targeted by government, in an interview with the Mail Tribune. “That’s how they explained it to me.”



  1. The New World Order.Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” - Psalm 2:1-3.As the 20th-century idols of atheism, humanism and communism have become mainstream and now accepted by most, we are now moving to a contest for the souls and minds of Americans where we now face formidable opponents in godless liberal collectivists, globalists, neo-conservative fascists, New Age religion, Islam and Satanism.No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of balding hard-line Communists - we are now threatened from within - by a group of intelligent, well-dressed globalists who are convincing America and the nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the establishment of a ... "New World Order."
    Saul Alinsky put it this way,
    "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."
    Get used to it? I should hope not!!

  2. No, you did not buy a "lemon:. Your property is grandfathered in when the government allowed the sale "as is". I know, they can kill you in so many ways, but there's a lawyer out there who needs a great start in his/ her career. Pay them and be the rock star. It is right and just, so you shouldn't be able to lose.

    See the Bundy's legal team.


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