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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

George Washington University Removes U.S. History as a Requirement for History Majors

George Washington University has changed its course requirements for history major to no longer include U.S. history, the College Fix reports.

The university’s history department recently introduced new requirements with the stated aim of giving students greater flexibility to pursue their interests, and to “better reflect a globalizing world,” according to faculty.
Requirements in U.S., North American, and European history were eliminated, along with foreign language. Incoming history major will be required to take at least one introductory course, and may choose U.S. history as option. However, like many other universities, GWU allows incoming students to place out of the introductory courses by scoring well on Advanced Placement exams in high school.



  1. sounds like idiots running the history dept. thanks sjd

  2. Maybe the idiots running the History Department are aware that all of the US history has been faked?

    Fake events everywhere.

    Do some research folks.
    Start with Miles Mathis


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