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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Fire union contract issue still unresolved

Despite efforts of Ocean City’s legal counsel and representatives of the local firefighter/EMS union to reach an agreement on Wednesday, the impasse over the union’s contract remains unresolved.

Both parties met at the convention center in Ocean City for mediation this Wednesday in attempt to reach a compromise on the City Council’s decision to end the shift schedule of 24 hours on, 72 hours off for paid firefighters. No solution was reached after a day’s worth of discussions, and meetings could carry into the winter.

“According to the town charter, the bargaining period is from December until the end of February, so there is time,” said City Solicitor Guy Ayres. “A date has not been set.”


1 comment:

  1. It's all about how much money they make and no sleep from working second jobs. Some are working 36 48 or more hours straight going from job to job.


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