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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Election recount adding to Trump’s winning margin

'Left flailing away as a bunch of spoiled brats unable to accept rejection'

Though her effort has virtually no chance of changing the outcome of the presidential election, Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein continued Monday her recount in three battleground states won by Donald Trump, suing Pennsylvania election officials in federal court hours after a federal judge in Michigan granted her request to begin a statewide recount without delay.

Official figures show Trump defeated Clinton by 10,704 votes in Michigan, 68,236 in Pennsylvania and 27,257 in Wisconsin.

In Wisconsin, four days of recounting only has added to Trump’s margin of victory, with the president-elect netting 39 votes as of Sunday night, the Washington Free Beacon reported, citing a spreadsheet of votes on the Wisconsin Election Commission’s website. More than 1 million of the nearly 3 million votes cast in the state have been recounted.

Donald Trump, who has 306 Electoral College votes to Clinton’s 232, tweeted Sunday that Stein’s effort is merely a “scam to raise money.”



  1. This recount is pointless and a waste of money donated to Stein to do this. Wonder how the donors feel now?

  2. I agree. She needs to return the money

  3. It's already in soro in hands now.

  4. Liberals better be careful
    He may end up really getting the popular vote after all

  5. Looks like the democrat women candidates don't mean it when they concede. Poor losers. Hillary cries, and Jill demands recounts of her 1% of the vote. Maybe there's a reason for the "glass ceiling." They need to put on their "big girl" pants and play by the rules.


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