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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Don't Believe Voter Fraud Exists, Released From Left Wing Media MSN

Detroit Machines Registered More Votes Than Voters

Voting machines in over one-third of Detroit precincts registered more ballots cast in the Nov. 8 presidential election than the number of voters tallied by poll workers, the Detroit News reported Tuesday.

Reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett revealed optical scanners registered more ballots cast than the number of voters recorded in poll books in 37 percent of Detroit precincts. These discrepancies have sparked plans for an audit by Michigan State Secretary Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas told the newspaper Monday.

President-elect Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes but his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton picked up more votes in Detroit and Wayne County. Former Green Party nominee Jill Stein had led the vote recount effort in Michigan but Detroit’s precincts were among those not recounted due to the Michigan Supreme Court’s decision Friday to end the recount process.



  1. The Russians did it!!

  2. I'm sure all those extra ballots were for Hillary democrats are all liars.


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