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Monday, December 12, 2016

DNI Clapper: We ‘Don’t Have Good Insight’ into Alleged Russian Hacking

As recently as Nov. 17, James Clapper, the nation’s top intelligence officer, told Congress his agencies “don’t have good insight” into a direct link between Wikileaks and the emails supposedly hacked by a Russian operation from Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

During the campaign, Wikileaks released reams of embarrassing internal emails between campaign chairman John Podesta, other campaign officials and the Democratic National Committee. One emailed showed candidate Clinton was provided the questions ahead of a CNN town hall appearance.

Democrats are now on a campaign implying that the hacking won the election for Donald Trump and have pressed the Obama administration for a far reaching investigation.

The Washington Post reported Friday that the CIA has secretly concluded that the Vladimir Putin regime directed hackers to penetrate the Democrats’ emails expressly to help Republican Trump win the election. The Post said the CIA has identified people with connections to the Russia government who supplied the stolen emails to Wikileaks.

That is not what Mr. Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, told the House Intelligence Committee at an open hearing on Nov. 17.

More here


  1. What won the election was the realization by the electorate that the Democratic candidate was a wolf in grandmother's clothing.

  2. "What big lies you have, Grandmother!"
    "All the better to fool you with, child."

  3. If these businesses and people...especially government, are not held accountable for their lies...then it will get much worse, ten fold worse. It's got to stop via accountability!!!

  4. Seriously? If the emails really contained wedding plans and recipes no one would have cared. Instead we found out the DNC and Clinton campaign think the average American is stupid.


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