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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Did Big Pharma Hire Dozens Of DEA Officials To Reduce Scrutiny Of Opioid Painkillers?

It’s not uncommon for folks at federal agencies to cash in on their public sector connections by taking a high-paying job with a company they used to regulate. But when it comes to the pharmaceuticals industry’s hiring of dozens of Drug Enforcement Administration officials, the question is whether these former DEA staffers were being hired because of what they could contribute, or because it was better for the industry to get them out of law enforcement.



  1. The muslims have tried for years to instill in this country that dope is the way . They have used dope for thousands of years , they have been fighting each other for that many years also . Now do you get it , our country is at war within itself now because of dope. The DEA is nothing more than a an agency that obama has screwed up to be muslim lovers like all his staff and agencies .

  2. Thank goodness Obama and all of his Muslim buddies will be leaving the White House soon.

  3. Who was it that said America would
    destroy itself from within??? They
    sure knew what they were talking
    about & that quote came from many
    years ago!!

  4. Everyone knows there is a Muslim Cabal that controls Big Pharma! You all should take a vacation, go skiing or something, you are paranoid AF!

  5. You silly people have fallen for the Zionist story lines.
    Muslims are religious.
    They don't believe in drug use.

    That is why the Soviets tried to get control of the poppies in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The US and Osama Bin Laden prevented them.

    Under Dubya's tutelage the CIA finally got control of the poppies for themselves. Heroin has been out of control ever since then.

    Wake up.
    It is the Zionists Bankers who run drugs through their secret organizations (intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5, Mossad, so on)

    The Muslims are dupes. Ignorant people who have been duped into the patsy role of the intelligence agencies. All of the terror events are staged by intelligence.

  6. Barack Obama works for CIA.
    Ditto for little Timmy Geithner (and his father)
    Ditto for CNN and NBC


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