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Friday, December 16, 2016

DC Public Schools Spokeswoman Wants To ‘Get Rid Of’ All White Men

A spokeswoman for Washington, D.C.’s public school system tweeted Tuesday about her desire to “abolish” all white men.

The declaration by Hilary Tone, who works a day job as communications director for D.C. Public Schools, was prompted by president-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Rick Perry to lead the Department of Energy. Pointing towards Perry’s stated desire to abolish the department he’s been tapped to lead, Tone quipped that she would personally like to lead (and presumably also eliminate) the “Department of White Men.”

For good measure, Tone made a similar comment on her Facebook page, suggesting she wanted to “get rid of” all white men.

Thirteen percent of DCPS’s students are white. Assuming half of those white students are male, then DCPS is educating approximately 3,150 white men right now.



  1. And where are the charges against her for hate speech?!

  2. They can get away with these racist comments, but it a white person stated, we want to get rid of all black men or women, there would be an uproar!
    Screw the BOE. They are the main reason the schools are failing nationwide. Sick of their socialist liberal politically correct agenda.
    Maybe we should bring back segregation. They wanted to mix with us, now they don't.

  3. The media decides what is acceptable and what is not. Clearly the media hates white people and wants them targeted.

  4. She had better be FIRED !!!

    Her Racist ass no better than if any WHITE had said such
    a thing about a Black !!

  5. Definitely grounds for termination, because lord have mercy is a white male said this about anyone of any race, gender, or color. They would be fire before they could hit the send button.

  6. Termination, indeed. Right now!

  7. Fire her now!! I hope Trump can get things back on track. Black people think they are superior.


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