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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Country Music Duo Share Video Of Man Attacking Their Tour Bus In Baltimore

Country music stars Dan and Shay played a show at Baltimore's Rams Head Live last night but received a not so warm welcome from one man in Baltimore.

Before their show in Baltimore, the duo took to twitter to show pictures and videos of a man throwing a brick at their tour bus window.

The first tweet the posted was the picture above with the caption "Someone threw a brick through our bus window. The world is a (expletive) up place."



  1. welcome to Charm City

  2. Just another thug.

  3. Appeared to be your BLM typical THUG

  4. I'm waiting for my insurance company to put in small print that I'm not covered for damages if I drive in Baltimore.

  5. They should have pulled out and left the patrons inside jumping up and down. They don't need such crap while trying to work and make a living to feed the punk that damaged their bus.

  6. Contemporary Country music has the same effect on me... Give me George Jones, Conway Twitty, Hank Snow, Brenda Lee etc.


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