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Monday, December 26, 2016

Comedian on Ivanka Trump Incident: "I'm Happy She Was Harassed"

A comedian and writer for the Late Late Show tweeted that he was “happy” Ivanka trump was harassed by a passenger on a JetBlue flight, before deleting the tweet after complaining he had been harassed.

Brooklyn attorney Dan Goldstein verbally abused Ivanka Trump and her children according to eyewitnesses, yelling at her, “Your father is ruining the country!” Goldstein allegedly screamed, “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”

Goldstein’s gay husband Matthew Lasner later claimed that the pair were kicked off the flight for “expressing displeasure” about flying with a member of the Trump family. This was after Lasner had tweeted that Goldstein was “chasing them down to harass them”.



  1. Another testimony to the proposition that homosexuality is a mental illness. We were far better off as a society when they were in the closet.

  2. i agree with 6:38am

  3. We have to stop being tolerant.

  4. These people are proving they're idiots and show the world how out-of-touch with reality they really are. Can you imagine if conservatives were acting this way after a Hillary win? The stories would make headlines in the MSM across the country.

  5. Can you imagine the stink that would be raised if someone got on the plane and started screaming about having to fly with two gay people. These are the most intolerant people in the world but they want to shove their "gayness" down our throat every day.

  6. We hope the idiot attorney is harrassed in his Brooklyn law office. Payback to this scum is definitely deserved.

  7. Imagine that, two gays getting indignant BC they dislike the new president's daughter for being on the plane. It just show's their ignorance and stupidity. I agree we were better off with them staying in the closet and the door locked.

  8. I thought they say that they all are intolerant and compassionate with everyone and the party of peace and love?
    Again they show their true colors

  9. Ever increasing incidents by these idjits will be remembered and revisited in the 2020 election.
    Keep it up, morons!

    1. We won't even have to wait until 2020..watch how many democratic senators are removed in the 2018 midterm elections.

  10. Im sure secretly all these kooks are being boycotted.

  11. I am tire of hearing people say "if that happened and Hillary had won the MSM would......" I prefer to just smile and quietly say, "We won; they lost, finally". Liberals and progressives have always had bad manners and bad behavior. The MSM have always overplayed the indescression of the conservatives while down playing those of the progressives. It is however getting worse.

  12. What is ruining the country is homosexuals and liberals.

  13. So manly he was just angry he was not born a woman. Perversion is a sickness and being gay is simply a perversion.


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