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Monday, December 12, 2016

CIA: Washington Post Report Linking Russian Government to Trump & Election Hacking Is “Outright Lie”

The Central Intelligence Agency is declaring the Washington Post’s much-hyped story linking the Russian government to hacking the presidential election to help Donald Trump an “outright lie,” according to CIA personnel with direct knowledge of the case.

The Washington Post, in a front-page splash on Friday, fingered the CIA for allegedly confirming the wild rumors of Russian hacking that were concocted and spread by Democratic lawmakers for months preceding the election and the weeks since the GOP win. The Washington Post’s story, however, contained no CIA sources and in fact, no credible U.S. intelligence agency sources whatsoever. Instead, it hinged on what unnamed lawmakers had supposedly been told by unidentified, supposed CIA-linked sources in “secret” briefings: That the CIA had developed proof the Russian state waged an orchestrated campaign to destabilize the U.S. election to benefit GOP-candidate Trump.

“It’s an outright lie,” a CIA analyst divulged to True Pundit. “There’s nothing definitive like that. There are leads from activity originating in Finland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Britain, France, China and Russia.”

Multiple CIA sources are now denouncing the Washington Post for knowingly reporting misleading national security intelligence. Intelligence insiders said no one in the Agency or in the FBI, who is running at least one parallel inquiry, has ruled out a possible internal leak within the Democratic National Committee from actor(s) inside the United States who funneled private DNC emails to Wikileaks.



  1. Again democrats fabricate fake news for the sheep to follow.

  2. What I do not understand is that even if it was the Russians hacking into the Wikileaks info, no one is denying the information released. the bombshell is what is in that information, it does not matter where it came from. move on people this is truly 3rd grade

  3. Of course it is but the democrats will believe anything that supports their agenda.

  4. The democrats hack there own system to insure no one else in the party profits more than the other.

  5. Imagine that! The Washington Post creating lies and everyone of the Lame Stream Media is running with it.

  6. More fake news from dems which was disproven prior to election day.
    ENOUGH already!


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