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Friday, December 16, 2016

China Installs Weapons Systems on Artificial Islands

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – China appears to have installed weapons, including anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems, on all seven of the artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea, a U.S. think tank reported on Wednesday, citing new satellite imagery.

The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) said its findings come despite statements by the Chinese leadership that Beijing has no intention to militarize the islands in the strategic trade route, where territory is claimed by several countries.

AMTI said it had been tracking construction of hexagonal structures on Fiery Cross, Mischief, and Subi reefs in the Spratly Islands since June and July. China has already built military length airstrips on these islands.

“It now seems that these structures are an evolution of point-defense fortifications already constructed at China’s smaller facilities on Gaven, Hughes, Johnson, and Cuarteron reefs,” it said citing images taken in November and made available to Reuters.

“This model has gone through another evolution at [the] much-larger bases on Fiery Cross, Subi, and Mischief reefs.”



  1. Trump will wipe off these Illegal islands and their
    illegal bases China built....wait and see ...

  2. US Gov should have listened to Gen Macarthur and there
    would be No China or North Korea like today...

    There would be One Free Korea and China would have recieved
    another B-29 like Japan got twice ... to put them in their place....in Check ...... A Free China would be, not the
    communist one......


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