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Sunday, December 11, 2016


Ladies & Gentlemen, this is not an easy article to write. A very serious assault took place this morning in Princess Anne. A source has informed me that a husband allegedly took a hammer to his Wife and two children. One individual has allegedly also been stabbed.

The suspect was found in his car not far from the scene and has been arrested. All of the victims are in very serious condition. I had been told the details but I will refrain from bringing any of that up as I'm sure you can imagine just how bad it was. I will say that one of the victims was attacked in his crib.

Please pray for all of the victims. 

Originally posted at 9:17 AM.


  1. Prayers for all the victims.

  2. This is very sad, thanks Joe for sparing us the gory details, we can only imagine how terrible this is.

  3. Replies
    1. Had to be on drugs to do this horrific thing

    2. Drugs were not a factor. Know the full story first

    3. Well then he was an extremely disturbed and sick individual if there were no drugs involved.

    4. Instead of stereotyping and saying he must have been on drugs. Pray for the 3 that is fighting for their lives. Pray, Pray Pray, This suitation needs prayer.

    5. I've done plenty of drugs, but never hit anyone,let alone a child with a damn hammer. This man is sick beyond drugs buddy!!!

  4. Joe, thanks for getting the accurate information. You are our only source for NEWS! What a horrible tragedy! It must be a mental issue - only a true monster would attack children. So sad.

    1. Not completely accurate. This couple wasn't married.

  5. This is so Heartbreaking, horrible & sickening

  6. Attacker should never be free again. Hope the justice system does its job on this one!

  7. Very sad ... involed and one of the hardest thing ever... mother is deceased children flown to Baltimore

    1. Nobody is dead. Please know the facts before you post such stuff

    2. Well thank God their not dead

  8. Wow such sick human beings in this world could only do such a thing. 😢

  9. Lord, I don't know these people and I am shaken. Please God, be with these children, their family, as well as the first responders, doctors and nurses who are caring for them.

  10. very sad i can only pray for this family!!!

  11. So sad. Praying for the family

  12. Just hearing this news. Bless their hearts my heart goes out to them. Lord knows how long this family has been dealing with this behavior. Who ever this bastard is he needs to have the same done to him. It must be extremely difficult to be a police officer I would want to beat the crap out of someone like that.

  13. God be with this family....!

  14. Mental illness and drugs are a real concern in this country. Needs to be a priority on how to address!

    1. No mental illness here, just a piece of s**t criminal who shouldn't even be in the public. Armed robbery, first degree assault, domestic violence, and more already on his record. Maybe we should focus on why he isn't in jail and our very lenient criminal justice system.

    2. Good question. .

    3. Why does everyone automatically assume there's a drug/ mental illness issue when things like this occur? Especially when you haven't the slightest & if it were there's never an excuse for them to do that besides them being a sick individual

    4. People assume it's drugs or mental illness because they can't imagine a person doing this type of thing of their own free will! However, so people in this world are just evil...believe it! I see it everyday!!!

  15. Prayers to the family. So glad they caught the person who did this.

  16. Praying for all those involved

  17. Death penalty...please.

    1. When will people start realizing the only justice is the Death Penalty.

    2. They won't until it happens to someone the love and care about

  18. Noon channel 47 didn't have anything on this case. Thanks Joe for letting us know what is going on in the community.

  19. The suspect is a dirt bag. The system locks up non violent offenders for obscene amounts of time. Any violent offender should do full sentence. I blame the State's Attorneys Office and the Judges. The commonality is they are both lawyers. We all seem to forget our judges are past defense attorneys. Paid Liars decide the public's fate. May God watch over these children.

  20. Anyword on whats going on in fruitland? Seeing reports of someones yard being excavated?

  21. Mental illness is a real disease and causes people to do ungodly things. Please keep the family in prayer and if you ever hear anyone say they need help, try to help them or atleast direct them in the right direction. Or call an ambulance or police department to have the person psychologically evaluated.

  22. Praying for the family, the community, the first responders, Law enforcement agencies and the hospital, doctors and nurses.May the Lord guard and protect in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  23. Will never understand how someone can snap like this. Your children? Really? In the span of less than a week we have a murder in Pocomoke, a murder in Fruitland, and now this.

  24. I only wish I could meet this guy. One thing for sure, I'm not an angle, but this is taking things to far. Believe me, there are ways to meet him.

  25. I just wish we could figure out a way to stop the violence in all it's ugly forms.

  26. Prayers for this family...the innocent children

  27. My prayers to all that are involved.

  28. 2:02 If you are not an angle, are you a trapezoid?

  29. Yep that Restraining order really worked - not!

    1. He shouldnt even be out. Between liking to killed a female, in 2009 and robbery... society should been spared from this animal. Lets see how tough he is in eci or jessup.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Only a shallow minded idiot will blame criminal activity on "Drugs." Also, idiots blame "mental illness" on criminal activity.

    Drugs and mental illness is just an excuse! Grow up and get an education you stupid moron!
    December 6, 2016 at 1:48 PM

    Drugs and mental illnesses are but two factors and they are real. I could ask which mental illness you have to constantly insult others and try to deny them their opinions. But I won't.

  31. Praying for this family and mostly those innocent children..I cannot even fathom.

  32. Mental illness my foot. A vengeful angry man who never learned to control himself is more like it. Someone well on his way to being a career criminal who has no regard for law and order.

  33. I remember him from when I worked at ECI. He got out on good time and was supposed to do 20 years and had 12 years suspended. And now this....he's never getting out.

  34. His picture has been released they are saying all victims are in critical condition.

    1. That's crazy he should have been held without bond so he can't hurt anyone else or go to the hospital and finish the job

    2. That's crazy he should have been held without bond so he can't hurt anyone else or go to the hospital and finish the job

  35. You need your own blog to rant and rave on. No one side it was through cause just that they are real issues not only in this area but nationally. Are you even aware of the number daily of heroin overdoses? Or are you one of those no crimes here people?

  36. 7:42
    His 'picture' was released. He is behind bars.

  37. Women need to stop getting involved with men who have violent criminal records, believing these men have "changed". Not blaming the victim but leopards don't change their spots. Anybody with 5 minutes and the internet can look these men up on Md Case search or other state tools.
    Have women gotten so desperate that they think they have to date ex-cons? Especially if you have children you have to screen these dirtbags. Prince Charming isn't on Tinder, ladies

    1. This is victim blaming! A woman should NOT have to research her potential dates for arrest records. A woman should NOT have to refrain from using dating sites for fear of hooking up with an abusive man. It is NO fault of the woman for the harm inflicted upon them! FYI, neither of my abusers had any criminal record nor did I find them on any dating websites. Of course I've become hypervigilant since my experiences, but it is THEM that chose to harm me and NOT my means of choosing them. It was their judgement that was at fault.

    2. First of all to say that drugs and mental health is an excuse. This person is the one that needs education. The person shouldn't get a pass because of their mental health issues but they are truly a factor. No one or no way I think anyone would know this would happen who would hurt their children like this.

  38. One of Kristy Hickman's plea deals in 2009. He should have got more time then.

  39. What!!!? Are you (8:37) saying men on Tinder aren't the cream of the crop!!?

  40. 5:34-I agree.Mental illness evaluations should favor those who are actually mentally ill.They go online & research how to convince those who evaluate.

  41. Anonymous said...
    This is victim blaming! A woman should NOT have to research her potential dates for arrest records. A woman should NOT have to refrain from using dating sites for fear of hooking up with an abusive man. It is NO fault of the woman for the harm inflicted upon them! FYI, neither of my abusers had any criminal record nor did I find them on any dating websites. Of course I've become hypervigilant since my experiences, but it is THEM that chose to harm me and NOT my means of choosing them. It was their judgement that was at fault.

    December 12, 2016 at 2:27 AM

    I agree and disagree. It is the fault of the perpetrator. The victim is not to blame. But it never hurts to do your due diligence on someone who could possibly be an integral part of your life especially if you have children. That being said, I don't believe there is ever any way for someone to predict a situation like this. I am merely stating that it never hurts to be informed about who you are dealing with.


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