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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Black Lawyer Calls on Black Jurors to Vote ‘Innocent’ for Any Black Person Accused of Murdering a White Person

An African-American lawyer and editor of a popular legal website is calling on all black jurors across the country to automatically vote to free any black person accused of murdering or committing a crime against a white person despite the evidence.

Elie Mystal, an editor and contributor to the law blog Above The Law, posted a December 7 article urging all black Americans who end up on juries to engage in “jury nullification” by automatically voting to acquit all blacks accused of crimes, especially that of murder, against white victims and to do so no matter how much evidence is brought to bear against the suspect.

Mystal justified this lawlessness by claiming that “African-Americans live in a world where the police can murder us and get away with it.”

“There is no justice for black people. And yet violently revolting against the system will get us nowhere,” he added.



  1. No problem, don't ever let them get in front of a jury then

  2. Isn't it a crime to try to persuade a juror? Arrest the SOB!

  3. That woman needs to be disbarred, arrested and tried by a white jury.


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