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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Berlin vandals will face violations

Defense Attorney Steven Cox successfully argued in district court last Friday that phone difficulties necessitated a continuance in the probation violation hearing for his client, Jordan Denton.

Denton, who was convicted last June for her role in a January 2015 vandalism spree in Berlin, is scheduled to appear again in court in January, alongside co-defendant in that case, Nicholas Bonser. He also faces a probation violation charge.

This is the second time the pair will return to court on possible probation violations since their conviction in June 2015.

According to court documents, Denton failed to submit to drug and alcohol screenings and pay the associated costs. This condition of her probation was added back in June 2016, when a new deal was struck between the state and Denton, after a previous probationary hearing.


1 comment:

  1. Did they ever pay the restitution and complete their community service? If not throw them in jail for 2 weeks, if they have fine them $2000 and move on.


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