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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Austrian Gun Sales Quadruple as Migrant Crime Rises

Gun sales in Austria have “quadrupled” as citizens of that nation seek to secure means of self-defense in response to the “immigrant crisis” that has enveloped Europe.

Earlier in 2016, the crisis led Austria to “began limiting the number of asylum applications it would receive.” But gun sales began to skyrocket prior to this move being made.

According to The Local, the number of weapons permits issued in Vienna and Styria in particular in September 2015 more than “quadrupled in November (2015).” This is an indicator of the number of Austrians seeking out firearms for self-defense.

And the increased demand for firearms has continued. On December 18, 2016, the UK’sExpress reported that Jeffrey Pang—an employee of Joh Springer’s, Austria’s oldest gun store—said the buying “surge in firearm sales coincided with reports of robberies, rapes and break-ins since the migrant crisis began.” He added, “Following the rise in attacks, customers want pepper sprays, combat training, small concealed carry weapons.”

“Our security level has diminished in the last couple months. You see the crowds They’re shouting, they’re drinking, there is no security anymore,” Pang said.



  1. Coming to a American city near you.
    Sooner than you probably think.

  2. There is a real war on women there.

  3. Most people in Austria are not allowed to own guns.

  4. Their citizens are waking up top what their government is doing to them!

  5. 11:37, you may be thinking of Australia. Many Austrians own guns.


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