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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Aluminum Causes Alzheimer's: Study

For half a century, many experts have recognized a link between Alzheimer's disease and aluminum. Since there was no definite proof, there has been no agreement in the scientific community. Now, however, a new study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology may provide the proof needed of aluminum's role in the mind-robbing disease.

Professor Chris Exley of the U.K.'s Keele University is sometimes known as "Mr. Aluminum" for his research. "I consider the latter as a mark of respect," he says. "I have been researching and thinking about aluminum for over thirty years, and I have published in excess of 150 scientific papers on this subject."

For more than 10 years, Exley and his group have researched the link between Alzheimer's and aluminum. "Our findings have led us to one very simple conclusion," he said.

"We must now accept that where the aluminum content of an individual's brain tissue exceeds a certain level that this aluminum will contribute toward any ongoing Alzheimer's disease in that individual."



  1. Guess it doesn't help spraying aluminum Nano particulates into the air to make the fake clouds we see almost daily

  2. Oh my. Aluminum has been in my life since they changed beer cans. Yeah I'm pretty old, still fish in the Assawoman Bay and......
    .......Well now, I suppose this story has some legs since I lost my train of thought!


  3. Im 55 years old and have been drinking beer from aluminum cans for over 35 years. is this study going to be like all the rest? Now eggs wont hurt you. Red meat is ok or is........ Nevermind i forgot what i was blogging about

  4. That's why I switched from cans to bottles.

  5. We were warned about this over 80 years ago by Jethro Kloss.

  6. I heard that sex causes Pregnancy, and drinking increases the chance of that happening.

  7. I guess next they'll "recognize" that mercury levels can cause autism.

  8. oh my drinking increases the change of pregnancy.....that means the end of the world is near. Off to my post at the Delaware Towers to look for the enemy towards the east!

    (snicker snicker)

  9. Aluminum production also creates Floride as a biproduct. They couldn't think of anything to do with all this poison until they decided to put it in your water.


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