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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Almost no children in France are medicated for ADHD: This is how they define & treat it

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 11% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as of 2011. However, if you ask the American Psychiatric Association (APA), they maintain that even though only5% of American children suffer from the disorder, the diagnosis is actually given to around 15% of American children. This number has been steadily rising, jumping from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007.

Big Pharma has played a significant role in manufacturing the ADHD epidemic in the U.S., convincing parents and doctors that ADHD is a common problem amongst children and one that should be medicated. However, many countries disagree with the American stance on ADHD, so much so that they have entirely different structures for defining, diagnosing, and treating it. For example, the percentage of children in France that have been diagnosed and medicated for ADHD is less than 0.5%. This is largely because French doctors don’t consider ADHD a biological disorder with biological causes, but rather a medical condition caused by psycho-social and situational factors.



  1. Back in my day it was just called being stupid i never knew the made meds for being stupid.

  2. Back in my days dad said I being a smart ass....His belt cured that problem.... More than once, I've survived over 60 years so far!

  3. They tried to do this to my son when he was in elementary school to help with his concentration. It's called being a boy!!!! I told them, I would never allow this and instead we took him to sylvan learning to help with the subject he was struggling with. The schools want you kids to be zombies in class. When I was in school, it was called be hyper active. Recess on the playground and exercise took care of most of this. Kids are stuck in the classroom all day. What do you expect?
    It they suggest you put them on drugs, don't allow it!
    My son is an adult now and is doing just fine and he didn't need ADHD drugs!

  4. another made up illness to make money for the drug companies!

  5. Big Pharma in bed with doctors and the government.

  6. Can't get rich off healthy people. GM foods. Poison in food ingredients. I also blame not enough disciplining in the house. The government took most of that right away.

  7. good idea parents, drug your children because you don't want to be a responsible parent!

  8. Big pharma is nothing but a BIG EVIL DRUG PUSHER. They dont want to cure anything only keep you alive long enough to suck every dollar from you. They do not want natural pot legalize becuse it would devestate their bottom line.

  9. 843am - Amen. rich get richer and no questions asked!

  10. As a parent of a child with ADHD I can say that all of these comments are uninformed and in the case of a child that truly has this chemical imbalance the medication does wonders at the right dose without zombifying them at all.Im greatfull for the medication and have seen my child succeed much further than she had before medication. Is ADHD over diagnosed?, Yes, but there are some who do have it and just as in the past depression was stygmatized, you can no more tell someone with ADHD to just "Straighten up", or as some have commented on here to just " beat them straight" then you can tell a depressed person to "Just cheer up". It is not an easy decision to medicate your child for any loving parent. We took her to specialist all over and had said we would never medicate her, but the more I talked to people who new what they were talking about unlike the people commenting here, the comparative brain scains of people with and without, I made the best decision I could with the best and most current knowledge available and I believe I made the right one because the improvement was dramatic with little side effects. If you are a parent of a a child with ADHD get two opinions on the diagnosis, read and learn on your own and don't be afraid of the medication, dosed correctly it is highly beneficial to many children with no serious side effects. Methamphetamine at low doses over long term has been studied for over 70 years and they have shown little harm with normal lifespans in the great majority of cases.


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