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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Accomack school district suspends “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

ACCOMACK CO., Va. - They've been in classrooms for decades, but two classic American novels are now temporarily banned from Accomack County Public Schools.

Use of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and “To Kill a Mockingbird” were suspended after a parent raised concerns about their use of the N-word.

“There's so much racial slurs and defensive wording in there that you can't get past that,” the mother said during last month’s school board meeting. “Right now, we are a nation divided as it is."

She filed a complaint through a “Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources” form.



  1. We are suppose to be living in a democracy. We should not jump to change called for by a single individual just for political correctness. It should be majority rules. We kicked God and prayer out of schools back in the sixties because of one Atheist and you see where that got us.

  2. Like living in Nazi Germany
    They will be the losers in the end
    So much for our freedoms huh?
    We will hear only what they want us to hear

  3. Yes, let us clear all of literature of everything that at this moment in time is even remotely unsettling or possibly insulting to anyone, anywhere.
    Let's put those books in huge piles and set fires that we can all dance around, gleefully proclaiming freedom from something or other and celebrate a huge victory over whatever.

  4. “There's so much (sic) racial slurs and defensive (sic) wording in there that you can't get past that,” the mother said during last month’s school board meeting. “Right now, we are a nation divided as it is."
    This person doesn't speak for the millions upon millions of readers and educators who did get past "that" and recognized the books as great pieces of period American literature.

  5. What is defensive wording?

  6. Virginia is repeating the reign of Nazi Germany and just exactly how well did that work out? The mother who raised this issue should move out of the country and to a location where everything is censored. Russia seems appropriate for this sensitive POS!!!

  7. Very sad for the children of that area that will not be able to read and discuss these two books in their classrooms.

    This however does not stop parents from letting children read them at home. With books like these, children will naturally have questions about the dialogue and settings. What a great opportunity for parents and children to talk and discuss this on their own terms.

  8. Does she let her kid listen to rap "music"?

  9. Everyone seems to want to change history. Ok then, I suggest we eliminate all references to slavery like it never happened. Hell, lets eliminate WW1 and WW2 and George Washington and Abe Lincoln. It was the language of the times. Perhaps not PC correct for today but it is history. As a Veteran I'm sick of this kind of crap.

  10. Look up the real meaning-a contemptuous term used to refer to a person of ANY racial or ethnic origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc./
    a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

    This is crazy, when are the newer generations going to quit blaming us for what our ancestors did??? Most of us were not alive during the slave times, etc. More on with your life and in live in today, not the past!

  11. This is so stupid, the language in these books reflect our history and how times were then. These are classics that i enjoy reading as a child my 9 year old has already read Huckleberry Finn and neither him or I are racist, use the "N" word or condone the use of the word. People need to grow up and stop making situations out of nothing. People create the hate not a book.

  12. Bring back Sambo's restaurant.

  13. If parents took as much time and pride in the censorship of books, as they did in monitoring what their child/children see, hear on tv or in the street, maybe there would not be so many disrespectful kids. Accomack County is just another school system catering to the parents, just like all the others. Let the kids learn, enjoy reading, because I'm sure they have seen and heard a lot more than just the "n" word; a word that is still being used today, and used very openly.

  14. I've heard that there are parents who object to teaching children about Islam. There are even parents who object to teaching anything concerning evolution I'm so sick of special interest groups controlling curriculum.

  15. Every year many books are challenged for many different reasons.
    You can look up and find the top ten for many years starting with 2015.

    I might also point out "From 2000 to 2009, 5,099* challenges were reported to the Office for Intellectual Freedom."

    Some of these books no doubt many of you would like censured.

  16. Unfortunately, by limiting these children of two of the greatest American novels ever written, they are also being taught a very important lesson: By not allowing these prejudices to be learned about and examined in a productive and safe manner in schools, they are essentially implying by ridding these books that "they did not exist." It is a taint in History and it is a flaw. By allowing your children to experience the world as it is and learn from the mistakes at a very young age, you are being amazing parents. Allowing your children to understand the hate that has unjustly ruled this country and learn to overcome it, you are being amazing mentors. And if anything, TKAM is addressing both of those-and learning to overcome with the power of love.

  17. Anonymous said...
    “There's so much (sic) racial slurs and defensive (sic) wording in there that you can't get past that,” the mother said during last month’s school board meeting. “Right now, we are a nation divided as it is."
    This person doesn't speak for the millions upon millions of readers and educators who did get past "that" and recognized the books as great pieces of period American literature.

    December 2, 2016 at 11:24 AM

    What the parent black or white?

  18. Yeah, let's remove these books from the schools and replace them with "My 2 Daddy's" and "Mom's New Girlfriend." We can even include "Sharia Law is Best" or we can let our children pray with the Moslems.


  19. Mom in this case is an idiot. Both books have a lesson of toleration clearly visible. Both were written before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.

    Accomack's action was noted in Instapundit on Friday; comments there pilloried the school district's action.

  20. Why do we feel like we have to change every time the vocal minorty makes noise? It is eroding our culture.

  21. Ridiculous folly and proves the mother in question is uneducated. Those two books are literature classics every person should read. She wants to keep her child ignorant. Accomack, what can you expect.

  22. Apparently they haven't listened to RAP music or how black people talk about each other.

  23. Ok ok ok, from an AP student who had to read all of these books back in high school and have revisited them in college, I absolutely understand why these books need to be looked at. Do we really need to be reading that deep of literature in high school or earlier in private schools? I sure as hell didn't enjoy reading about a man who was accused of rape. I didn't enjoy reading about the social inequalities, the "mockingbird" symbolizing innocence destroyed by evil, this is some strong topics that I believe I would have been better off not learning at a young age, there are other titles that teach the same type of literary motifs etc such as "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens now there were some dark struggles there too... All of these books I was forced to read were so dark "To Kill a Mockingbird" was definitely a gothic theme. Now don't get it twisted Huck is a dark book too but more in the "his father whoops him drunk every night" kinda way. Oh and there's plenty of gang or "bandit" affiliation etc so I can understand as well why this book should be reevaluated. There is plenty of racism, slavery, importance of education, societal standards, lots of lies and con themes all throughout. I believe this is an outstanding book, both are. I think they need to be reevaluated but mostly to access what age group and literary class is appropriate maybe not take it out of the curriculum because they are such classics that need to be read but make sure the education level or the age level is appropriate. Most kids sparknote books now anyways but the kids who do try to read and interpret I know I didn't just "forget" those books I really put thought into them and when it is a class project the books and topics really get discussed so that can also be an issue in this era unfortunately the topics brought up can create chaos in the classroom I'm sure. I think it is a good idea someone brought it up to be looked at. What is the crime in that anyway?


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