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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ability, not diversity, is key in Donald Trump’s color-blind Cabinet

A top adviser to Donald Trump on diversity issues is offering no apologies for the preponderance of white men filling the Cabinet and key jobs in the new administration, insisting that the lack of minorities reflected the president-elect’s color-blind approach to hiring decisions.

Bruce Levell, who spearheaded a minority outreach effort for the Trump campaign and now serves as an adviser to the transition team, said that Mr. Trump isn’t looking to check off diversity boxes with his hiring decisions — and that’s OK with black and Hispanic Americans.

“President-elect Trump doesn’t really so much look at the Cabinet and say, ‘Hey, I need a black guy over here and I need a woman over there,’ ” said Mr. Levell, executive director of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. “He fights very hard to put the best individual that’s qualified who can run the agency for his administration. Most people of color are OK with the fact that, ‘Hey, if this person is qualified and can do the job, then God bless him.’ “

As for his own organization, Mr. Levell added, “We’re not so hung up on how many black appointees there are going to be or how many Hispanic appointees there’s going to be. We generally want the best qualified.”

More here


  1. Finally, some common-sense to the diversity/quality issue!

    For the last too-many years, quality has been sacrificed to enforce diversity - resulting in too many government employees that shouldn't be where they are and simply drawing a pseudo-welfare check.

  2. Most of the ones that Obama put in the Cabinet were Muslim, which is horrible.


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