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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A simple 'sniff test' is accurate in diagnosing dementia early on

A simple 'sniff test' could help to detect dementia, scientists claim.

Sense of smell is known to decline sharply in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Experts believe this is because the build-up of toxic clumps in the brain - the signature hallmark of dementia - affects the memory region.

But asking people at risk to try and identify a range of odours could provide an accurate early diagnosis, a new study found.

The 5-minute test could also be used to detect mild cognitive impairment - the pre-cursor to the debilitating disease, it suggested.


1 comment:

  1. for those who are losing their sense of smell and taste; try 50 mg. zinc daily...check with your pharmacist first. docs don't have a clue many times...


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