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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

10 habits of genuinely charming people

Sure, everyone knows blunt, impolite, and even rude people who are somehow extremely successful. I know a bunch of them.

But since we're all more likely to build professional and personal relationships and do business with people we like, we'renaturally drawn to individuals who are polite, modest, agreeable, and kind.

In short, we're drawn to people who are charming.

I know a bunch of them, too, and here's how they do it:

1. They willingly show a little vulnerability

Charming people don't try to win any unstated competitions with people they meet. In fact, they actively try to lose. They're complimentary. They're impressed. They're even willing to admit a weakness or a failure.

It's really easy. Say you meet a would-be Donald Trump and he says, "I just closed a fabulous deal to build the world's best golf course on the most amazing oceanfront property on the planet."

Don't try to win. Instead say, "That's awesome. I'm jealous. I've wanted to build a small recreation facility for years, but can't line up the financing. How did you pull off such a huge deal?"

Charming people are confident enough to be unafraid to show a little vulnerability. They know that while some people may be, at least temporarily, impressed by the superficial, everyone sincerely likes and appreciates the genuine.

2. They show they're genuinely glad to meet you

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