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Sunday, November 20, 2016

WOW, Two Letters From Salisbury University

From: Kathleen Scott <KJSCOTT@salisbury.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 7:40 AM
To: Kathleen Scott
Subject: Post-election

Members of the campus community,

Yesterday a President-elect of the United States was chosen. You may be feeling excited, proud, relieved, disappointed, scared, angry, anxious, numb, and a range of other emotions about the outcome. In this time, staff at the Counseling Center are here to support the campus community.

Students, faculty, and staff may also already feel strained by the demands of the end of this academic semester. You are encouraged to keep this in mind as you work towards completion of the semester. You also are encouraged to treat each other with civility as discussions and reactions ensue about the election and the future.

Counseling and consultation services for students are available 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday at the Counseling Center to help in this situation. The office is located at the Guerrieri University Center, room 263. You can call 410-543-6070 to make an appointment. In case of emergency, contact our office during business hours and University Police 410-543-6222 or Life Crisis Center at 410-749-4357 after hours and on weekends.

Warm regards,

Kathy Scott, PhD and the Counseling Center Staff

From: The President's Office <PRESIDENT@salisbury.edu>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 5:14 AM
To: The President's Office
Subject: Message to the Campus Community

To the Salisbury University community:

A contentious election season marked by negativity has come to a close. In the aftermath of this process, we acknowledge that there is understandable consternation among members of our University community. However, whatever positions we held in this process, we all need to find ways to move forward constructively and to strive for the common good.

Especially in times of significant national change like this, Salisbury University stands firm in its commitment to our long-standing core values of diversity and inclusion. We embrace these values in everything we do at the University, and we must continue to foster an environment where our differences are celebrated as much as our commonalities. Therefore, we remain absolutely committed to providing a safe environment for all members of our community where the richness of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives are harnessed and celebrated to achieve excellence.

We remind all that each member of this community deserves the full respect of every other. This is a time of significant change and some are happy and energized by that, while others are sad and even fearful of what that could mean. We should recognize that not everyone feels as we do. We must continue to respect differences of opinion, maintain civility, and create the conditions for respectful dialogue that allow mutual education to take place. The University will continue to pursue and protect these principles now and in the future, and urges our students, faculty, staff and all others to do so as well.

If you have concerns, the following resources are available:
SU Counseling Center: 410-543-6262
Student Affairs: 410-543-6080
Office of Institutional Equity: 410-543-6426
Department of Human Resources/Employee Assistance Program: 410-543-6035
SU Police: 410-543-6222

We are proud of our unwavering commitment to maintaining a safe work and learning environment of respect and civility in support for the value of each member of our community.

Janet Dudley-Eshbach, Ph.D.


  1. You're kidding ? What a bunch of babies. Unbelievable !

  2. obama gave them all free college remember? Why are they crying?

  3. As someone who is an alumni and deals with the students, community and faculty I must say that SU does a pretty decent job of actually being as all inclusive as they can be. They don't put one set of students rights over the other, in most cases. And lately they have been doing a very good job especially compared to other liberal arts colleges.

    1. Bollocks. Complete and utter bollocks. Kids these days are a bunch of namby pamby cupcakes.
      Life's hard. Suck it up.
      Still think participation awards are a good idea?

    2. So what your saying is not acting like a terrorist deserves a tip of the hat?

    3. You read what you wanted to hear. Did they cancel classes? No. Did anyone protest? No. Did anyone to your knowledge do anything namby pamby? No. So whats your problem besides thinking you know everything? They offered people someone to talk to and said that you have to reapect the outcome. What would you like the school to do? nothing? Institutions try to mitigate problems not wait till they are full blown to react. I wouldnt put you in charge of dog catching.

    4. To 5:56:
      "Did anyone to your knowledge do anything namby pamby?"

      How about the school offering Crisis Counseling? Start there.

      "What would you like the school to do? Nothing?"

      Sure. Somehow, someway, I got through the turbulent 60's with no help at all from the staff of the U of MD. How did I EVER get through that? How did I EVER survive?

    5. 556 needs a hug!!

    6. Yes...you have to accept the outcome but by the time you get to college should you really be crying hysterically over an election result? Going to cry-ins, skipping classes and exams? These kids are potentially future leaders...and this is how that act now?
      I stand by the original statement.

    7. It's ridiculous. When you start college you're supposed to be a young adult, not a child anymore. Take into consideration that in different times these young adults could to called up to fight for their Country. What are they going to do...? Have a cry in because they don't like it?
      If my kids were still in college on my dime and took part in this kind of nonsense? Time to get a job kids!
      No one knows how to lose anymore.

  4. I would think they would do well to teach their students and by extension their staff, that the election is over, the people have spoken clearly. Get over it.

    It is way past time these young children learn that in life there are joys and disappointments. Period. The road to becoming a well-adjusted adult in civilized society is learning to accept joys and disappointments without falling apart, or having a temper tantrum because things didn't go your way. You approach joys and disappointments the same way, asking yourself what can I learn from this experience that will make me a better person moving forward?

    In case the college has never taught about presidential elections, they are held every four years. This has been happening for decades. These children need to stop having temper tantrums. If you wish to be taken seriously, you need to stop acting childish. Because at this point, to most adults, your actions are duplicating that of two year old's and your immaturity is showing.


  5. GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The CVS drugstore across the street is having a sale on tissues. Maybe they should take advantage of the opportunity.

  7. I think the letters were well written. The sad part is that someone feels the need to write them. Did they write any 4 years ago? 8 years ago? So why now?? BTW... whatever happened to the black student who tried to induce hate speech by drawing on the whiteboard? Did he/she get reprimanded? Any letters sent then?
    and 4:37, can I send you my son's college bills and see how free they are??

  8. Between this cowardly letter and the crime on campus send your kid somewhere else.

  9. Really What a joke!! It is time for everyone to put there big person pants on and suck it up. You democrats are becoming the problem and not apart of the solution. For the last 8 years we have had your PC world shoved down our throats! Now it is time to get America back on track. Why don't you put 4 years in the military and first serve your country to learn what freedom is all about then when you get your eyes opened up to the real world your whining and complaining will stop. Make the military a mandatory 4 years right after high school.
    Now for you folks that call your self teachers and educators. The tax payers pay your salaries. Quit pampering this kids and teach the all views of life just not yours!

  10. Millinials into the Military lolol Noooooooooooooooooooo.

  11. I seriously wonder if students that feel the strong need to go to counseling over an election result are automatically given an appointment to also see the staff psychiatrist.
    Can't they just call mommy?

  12. I am depressed! I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. After the Trump landslide, I received NO offer of mental help and guidance. Did I attend the WRONG college or does SU have a different set of standards of excellence than JHU? I guess the later.

  13. 6:07:
    That made me smile...Trying to imagine a Draft System in our country today. It could NEVER happen.

  14. Here is what I find disturbing about this matter:

    Every university in the Country is doing this / publishing these types of letters.
    It is an AGENDA.
    Who is responsible?
    Is it a globalists agenda?
    Is it part of our Country's move toward communism?

    Very disturbing.

  15. to Janet and all her snowflakes...GROW UP. You're too immature to be in University or College. Go back home until you finally get it. Sissy's and Wusses. period.

  16. College educations are worthless.

  17. Social Security disability claims will be entertained for PTSD after this election?

  18. Did the institution open up a "grief room" the day after Pearl Harbor or after 9-11?

  19. This world stands a better chance of survival by eliminating all the liberal colleges out there. It is obvious they haven't taught the little ones anything of value. Think of all the money that will be saved by not supporting these types of colleges.

  20. Call me shallow, but I'd hit-up those "grief rooms" just to give comfort to some seriously weirded-out, spaced-out, vulnerable co-eds, just in the hope to be there to soothe their pain. All night long.

    1. 7:43 PM, you are part of what's wrong with this country.

    2. Really? Face it: All men are pigs. Too bad we own everything.

  21. This edict by Janet was undoubtedly hard for some of her peons to swallow. But they did.

  22. Wow looks like I need to scratch my alma mater off my kids choice list for college. We are looking for a well rounded educational experience not a "safe zone" babysitting experience. You don't always win and when you lose you don't cry and protest, you buck up and take it like an adult and move on. Can't wait for the next phonation call. Really Janet???

  23. WTF, Liberism is nothing but a mental disorder that needs to be extinguished.

  24. if these kids need counseling because their candidate failed to get elected,they are too immature to pursue an education and look forward to a new career maybe they should move back home and let mama hold their hand and tuck them in at night

  25. Janet is having them EAT FOOD to help with their depression.. mmmmm, food!!

  26. With only a few days left until he is gone, I had to suffer and endure eight years of the worst and most liberal president in the history of the US. Every time that he made an appearance on television I was sick for the few seconds that I had to see his face before I could change the channel. I never sought counseling nor was I ever offered any. But then again I am an adult and work for a living.

  27. during my post high school studies we accepted who won the election.

  28. How will these kids ever handle everyday stress of managing a family, job, life's disappointments?

  29. are we talking about the teachers college?

  30. Did they issue letters to Christian students while Obama excluded them in his hateful speeches, which sparked controversy and protests? Apparently, they don't realize there are some SU students who are jubilant that Trump/Pence won.

  31. Suck it in people. You won the last time. It's why we're so pathetic now. Accept defeat. You don't get trophies for losing in real life. Looks like you won't get any in the after-life either.

  32. 556 - SMH!! And I believe it was said earlier. Where were these letters in 2008 and 2012. Obama has destroyed America.

  33. Every one deserves an equal chance at success, but what does diversity have to do with strength? Why is it a goal at all? It's just more feel good stuff from the Dombocrat party. I wish I knew how to politically destroy the Libs in the colleges, secondary schools, the government and the media/entertainment industry. Until you silence those we will still have this Liberal tyranny continue to resurrect itself. Even though Trump won, I never thought that I would ever say this, but it may be time for a Constitutional Convention. We should consider partition of the states. Maybe we could do that peacefully.

  34. Janet Eschbach and all her buddies over at SU are the biggest crybabies of them all. Radical lefties think everyone shares in their shock & amazement when the student body isn't all that upset except for getting all these stupid emails from the militia at the top levels of SU's so-called leadership. I thought this idiot would be gone by now. She built the last building that property can hold so why is she still littering Salisbury with her liberal BS?

  35. Will someone be changing the students' diapers or can they still go to the bathroom unattended by the watchful eye of big brother. welcome to 1984 Eschbach style.

  36. You can start doing 1787 on campuses like SU. Defund them. Why do they need federal cash when they have outrageous babysitting fees, I'm sorry, tuition?

  37. 748 no such letters went out in 2008 or 2012. Dr. Eshbach shows her Liberal Stripes. Asshat forever entrenched in the sea of liberal denial that no one is buying their crap anymore.

  38. Funny she didn't circulate any emails like this when black students put a drawing of a black person being lynched in Blackwell. She's such an f'ing hypocrite. can't stand her.

  39. Not all SU employees and students need their safe spaces. Many of us proudly voted for Donald Trump.

    1. Good to hear Patriot
      .......to have a College President who has a nickname of "ALL YOU CAN EAT", ...I am sure annoys persons like you who hit the gym, and do not make 250,000 a year with FREE MEALS AND TRANSPORTATION....

    2. Good to hear Patriot
      .......to have a College President who has a nickname of "ALL YOU CAN EAT", ...I am sure annoys persons like you who hit the gym, and do not make 250,000 a year with FREE MEALS AND TRANSPORTATION....

  40. Have not seen the students upset as much as Janet and the lefty professors. Maybe her letter was more for the academia idiots than the kids. They're only promoting for people to be upset. This generation in school don't remember what a great country America was before the Bushes and clintons invaded the WH. Its crap like this that perpetuates upset and actually starts it. Maybe Janet should just eat her Oreos and milk and shut up.

  41. Agree with 1020. She's not concerned with race baiting by black students but about an election? What an idiot. Where's her PhD from? Barbados?

  42. For a president of a university, she sure be ignorant.

  43. Three Words:

    Compulsory Military Service

    ...This will end the liberal issue...a chance to see the real world


  44. If they brought back the Pledge of Allegiance and Civics into the lower school system along with become discriminatory about whose fit for college and teach college level, that would go miles towards smartening these kids up and having a healthy academic environment instead of GD playpen.

  45. 1040 = agreed. Playpen indeed!

  46. This whole thing has been too big of an issue, colleges like ours are making our teenagers babies, instead of having one meeting for all telling them that it is just an election. When the first black president won the whole country didn't fall apart. We all survived when President Kennedy was assassinated, the world didn't go into panic mode we as a country are supposed to pull together as adults. Adults face many things you are preparing these teenagers to find excuses not to attend classes to protest instead of learning why can't you see that. When 911 happened this country survived, and it always will unless you cripple our youth any more than what you have done. It was an election for God's sake, not a bomb that obliterated the world.

  47. if the students pass trump trauma training they get 4 credits plus a trophy and blue ribbon

  48. I notice none of your readers hit the "like" button. I thought college was meant to prepare you for the real world? I guess the next thing tax payers are going to have to pay for public "safe places" on every street corner. I'll bet the students who supported Trump aren't inclusive by certain faculty. I know that to be fact based on a Facebook post by a SU professor.


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