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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Worcester has one of largest solar co-ops on Eastern Shore

Now boasting a roster of 39 people, according to Corey Ramsden, project manager, the Worcester County Solar Cooperative continues to grow as the deadline to join approaches.

Originally slated to end at the end of October, the interest was both slow and steady enough for the deadline to be extended until the end of November.

Though new recruits won’t have a say in choosing a vendor to install solar panels on a property, a decision made earlier this year by co-op members, they can still avail themselves of the lower negotiated rate for photovoltaic solar cell installation.

“The Worcester co-op is one of the largest we’ve helped organize on the Eastern Shore with more than 35 participants who’ve joined the group so far. Members are seeing between 15 and 20 percent savings on the cost of their systems,” Ramsden said.


1 comment:

  1. Members of the co-op will save, but everyone else will pay more.


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