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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Wisconsin Rejects Hand Recount Mandate

Madison — The Wisconsin Elections Commission set a timetable Monday for a recount of the presidential election but rejected a request to require a count by hand made by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who quickly responded that she would sue.

Also Monday, Stein filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to force a recount there and her supporters began filing recount requests at the precinct level there. Stein — who received just a tiny piece of the vote —also plans to ask for a recount in Michigan on Wednesday.

Unless Stein wins her lawsuit in Dane County Circuit Court, officials in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties would decide on their own whether to do their recounts by hand. That could mean some counties perform recounts by machine and some by hand.



  1. She's raised 6.5 million for a recount? If this doesn't happen, I wonder what's going to happen to this money. Just curious.

  2. The monies left over will be donated to the Clinton foundation, where else do you think it would go...certainly not St Judes or the American Cancer Society!

  3. She gets to add it to her campaign coffers.

  4. Does it not amaze you that George Soros holds a big pow wow in DC with all of his little puppets and bingo two weeks latter two of his layers are on Stein's recount team demanding that we suck up to them. Do we not get any of this?

  5. All Jill Stein is doing is scamming idiot liberals out of their money to feather her own nest while trying to screw over Trump with Clinton who has given a lion share of the cash. Criminal complaint against her has been filed in WI already. I will enjoy watching her fraud be exposed to America. 🤔😏

  6. WAAAAAAAA !!!! over those and Any recounts .. call Gore !!

  7. Election has been over several weeks .....La La La !!!!


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