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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Whod'a Thunk It!


  1. BREAKING NEWS 11/18/2016: Multiple Police Agencies Responded to Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center for multiple fights. The parking lot was loaded with Wicomico Sheriff's Deputies, Maryland State Police Troopers and Salisbury Police Officers. This was supposed to be a nice Country Music concert at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center and it turned out to be a disaster and a strain on Resources in Wicomico County. The Civic Center Security could not handle the drunks or the fights and that is why the multiple police agency response. Multiple subjects were arrested and left in hand cuffs. At least one unconscious, young female had to be extracted from the upper risers and had to be transported to the Emergency Room at PRMC for alcohol poisoning. Numerous underage kids were drinking beer because someone with an ID was allowed to buy 2 beers at a time, as many times as they wanted to at the multiple beer stations. The one with the ID would buy a beer for themselves and give one to their underage friends. Many underage kids were intoxicated and got in their cars and drove away from the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center drunk. Now we are waiting to see how many alcohol related MVC's occurred to the alcohol consumed at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center. Beer was spilt everywhere and all over people. Multiple kids were in the bathrooms vomiting. The drunks left their trash all over the place instead of using the trash cans. This was supposed to be a family oriented country concert with national act Chris Young at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center and it was a disaster!

  2. Man up and use your real name. It's EASY to put up a BS comment like this anonymously. Who can trust or believe you.

    1. My daughter was there which is 26 yrs of age & she broke up one fight because she knew the people she said it was awful

    2. My daughter was there which is 26 yrs of age & she broke up one fight because she knew the people she said it was awful


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