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Sunday, November 06, 2016

Who the Hell is John Podesta and Why Should YOU Even Care?


  1. Amazing that people here don't seem to understand he's part of the puppet master group. Clinton is merely a vessel for them to talk through, she probably doesn't know Iran for Iraq. If Hillary were that brilliant she wouldn't be such a bad criminal easy to detect.

  2. Isn't it interesting that all of Hillary's close advisors are gay? Podesta, Robbie Mook, Cheryl Mills, etc. As far as Huma, that's anybody's guess.

  3. The Podesta brothers are Communists. They operate globally. They have no business involved in the American Government and should already have been hanged for treason.

  4. They are also all Zionists.

  5. 1204 the point isn't that they're gay, the point is the amoral. They have no code of ethics. They lie, cheat, steal, and apparently rape young kids. There in lies the problem. Gay people, on the whole, have codes that don't include any of the above offenses about everyone surround Clinton *and herself. What is this area's fixation on gay people? Who cares if people are gay or straight or asexual. Doesn't really matter if they are contributing citizens to society.

  6. He just another Criminal of Hillary Mafia ...one of her
    captains.... he's Made Man...........


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