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Friday, November 18, 2016

Video: Teacher calls black students the N-word

BALTIMORE - Video published by civil rights activist Shaun King shows a teacher disciplining a black student, then yelling at others using the n-word and claiming they "were going to be a bunch of broke a** n****** who get shot."

The video was shot Wednesday at Harlem Park Middle School in Baltimore, Md, according to a statement released by officials.

The teacher is "no longer employed" by Baltimore City Public Schools, according a statement they released to WBFF, Fox45 News in Baltimore.

(WARNING: Video contains explicit language)



  1. is the former teacher Black oe White ? Sometimes the truth is just too much to bare.

  2. Damn, that truth hurts!

  3. I don't see a problem with it and should not be fired. Shawn king is a white guy who lied about his race,parents and a racial attack. King went to college free on a minority's scholarship. He is a 100 percent white.

  4. She was pushed to her limit we all have our breaking point and some black students are so disruptive and disrespectful and violent they shouldn't be allowed in the public school system. Where is the safe space for students that just want to learn?

  5. I dont know how the state finds anybody to teach under those conditions--a hell hole. we need huge changes in our educational system

  6. The class was totally unruly and out of control. How in the hell do you expect any teacher black or white to teach this class? This teacher deserves a metal for even evening trying to teach in an inner city school. This is the same kind of crap we have to deal with, with public schools here in Wicomico County. Good luck in finding someone else out there than can put up with this! I'm sure the next one, won't last for long!

  7. And I bet everyone who's posted on here so far are the same people that love to beat up the local school system. You think it's any better here?
    Spend a week in a middle or high school class.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And I bet everyone who's posted on here so far are the same people that love to beat up the local school system. You think it's any better here?
    Spend a week in a middle or high school class.

    November 18, 2016 at 12:36 PM

    what exactly does that have to do with this issue?


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