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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trump’s Election Points to U.S. Growth Boost

President-elect Donald Trump’s big-spending plan and tax cuts are expected to help double the US economic growth rate by 2018, the OECD said Monday, revising its forecasts.

The US economy will grow by 2.3 percent in 2017 and 3.0 percent in 2018, said the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

That compares to gross domestic product growth of 1.5 percent this year, according to the OECD.

The Republican property tycoon’s team has said he will devote $550 billion to rebuilding decrepit infrastructure.

The incoming president also campaigned on promises for major corporate tax cuts as part of a wide-ranging blueprint for the limping US economy.

“GDP is projected to return to a moderate growth trajectory in 2017 and strengthen in 2018, mainly due to the projected fiscal stimulus, which takes effect particularly in 2018,” the OECD said in its report.



  1. The Federal Reserve will raise rates in order to offset positive gains. Social engineering at it's finest.

  2. here comes America back from 8 years of failed democrat policies. Funny part is trump has not even started yet.

  3. He has work ethics just like his dad did. Takes few vacations , requires little sleep and loves working . His wheels are always turning.


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