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Sunday, November 13, 2016

There Was Only ONE Media Source That Supported Donald Trump On The Eastern Shore

Trump/ Pence
Clinton/ Kaine
Johnson/ Weld
Stein/ Baraka
Other Write-Ins

Caroline    8,999    3,747    415    121    156
Cecil    27,579    12,651    1,544    535    497
Dorchester    7,938    5,695    307    94    109
Kent    4,598    4,178    288    102    128
Queen Anne's    16,211    7,316    855    251    314
Somerset    5,056    3,484    171    57    96
Talbot    10,098    7,865    586    182    313
Wicomico    20,832    16,327    1,175    388    526
Worcester    15,910    8,783    651    227    304

WOW, What a night! Right out of the gate we unconditionally supported Donald Trump and never looked back. Our country has been in deep trouble for decades and we firmly believe being led by career politicians was leading us into dependency.

As we've watched our economy fall into a depression, trillions of dollars disappearing with no accountability and politicians getting rich, far too many people were experiencing bankruptcy and foreclosure. 

America desperately needed a President with an incredible vision. Donald Trump was clearly the person who has the business experience and platform to turn America around and these are just some of the many reasons we unconditionally supported him.

I personally struggled with how our local Main Stream Media, (all of them) attacked such a man and his vision to Make America Great Again. Today we will watch each of these media sources eat crow but I truly want you to remember just how often these sources continue to ride the liberal party line.

Just look at the above numbers from the entire Eastern Shore. Our media have watched representatives like Larry Hogan, Bob Culver, Carl Anderton and others overwhelmingly destroy incumbents because, quite frankly, we're tired of the same old crap. These media sources can no longer deny the power of Salisbury News. 

All this being said, we need to come together. We need to follow President Elect Donald Trump's vision and platform and turn things around, especially here on the Shore. 

I'm grateful I'm not subjected to have to welcome Hillary Clinton as our new President. We want to thank ALL of you for showing your support towards Donald Trump. This is NOT going to be easy. Very much like Governor Hogan and the uphill battle he faced as soon as he took office, Mr. Trump will be up against a massive amount of career politicians and we need to support him. 

As Rocky said, YO ADRIAN, WE DID IT! 


  1. I'm done with the local news outlets. Great job sbynews.

  2. We voted with the country and not with Baltimore (Maryland). Hogan should have done the same. His stance (anti-Trump) will end up hurting Maryland in our business with the federal government, and Hogan's re-election chances. His choice will come back to haunt him and Maryland.

  3. 8:46 It time to drain the swamp of RINOs including Hogan along with the Democrat sewage.

  4. Thank you very much Joe!

  5. Well done. Carry on SBYNEWS

  6. Thanks Joe. Can't imagine life here without this news outlet!

  7. joe, you are the best source of news anywhere on the shore that i know of.
    keep up the good work and thanks again. sjd

  8. Great job Joe! Continue doing what you do.

  9. That is cool to read...was not aware of that

  10. Thanks , keep it up!

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 9, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    Great Job SBYNEWS and Joe Albero!
    Last night we could see all those MSM "pundits and experts" showed their true colors, all on Hillary's Bandwagon, loosing their minds, some baiting their nails, almost crying in disbelief. Those Schmucks believed in their own created Bullcrap like the ones in the Clinton camp. Reality Check - Welcome President Donald Trump!!!

  12. Great job joe and staff. This has been the only news source to give honest evaluations on the news.

  13. It was such a pleasure last night watching the shocked distressed faces of the national TV news media. They looked tortured and dazed and they were so sure all their bias back-stabbing against Trump had Hillary's win in the bag. They should be so ashamed of their pathetic evil bias and unfair reporting, and many of them should have to find new jobs.

  14. Thanks Joe and Salisbury News Blog; you've been a real blessing.

  15. Kent county will be blue in a few short years as they continue to move across the bridge.


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