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Monday, November 14, 2016

'Tears' and 'fear': Harry Reid is not taking Trump's election well

Nancy Pelosi spoke with President-elect Donald Trump by phone to congratulate him on his victory. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded. President Obama called for a “peaceful transfer of power.”

Harry Reid, not so much.

The pugilistic Senate Democratic leader who is retiring this term issued a 473-word statement Friday railing against Trump’s election, saying it has “emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry” as the country is overcome by “tears” and “fear.”

"White nationalists, Vladimir Putin and ISIS are celebrating Donald Trump's victory, while innocent, law-abiding Americans are wracked with fear - especially African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, LGBT Americans and Asian Americans. Watching white nationalists celebrate while innocent Americans cry tears of fear does not feel like America,” the retiring Nevada senator said..


[And they wonder why they lost. --Editor]


  1. Harry - you're a lame duck dirtbag has-been/never-really-was! Quit now while you still respect yourself - it should already be too late for that - butwe all know dumbocrats!

  2. Go Home Harry, you are drunk!

  3. He is a senile old fool that has been in Washington so long he is out of touch with the real world.

    Americans are sick and tired of sucking up to Muslims, and kissing ass to blacks in the name of Affirmative action.
    America has always been divided, along came Politically Correctness and drove free speech underground, Trump has made a lot of Americans feel like they can be proud to be white again.

    Racist sounding, yes, maybe, but also time for a change in this country, time for white working folks to be proud and not ashamed to be descendants of slave owners, yes, it happened, a very long time ago, now get over it, and move on!
    Go out and get a education, get a job, and you will be too busy to be crying about the past!

    1. so agree.....so agree....they blame circumstances from 200 years ago that contribute to their laziness

  4. And they continue to make this stuff up and most idiots in this country believe it. Reid STFU, dry up and blow away

  5. That man's delusional! Who has he been listening to that he thinks is named Trump? Maybe ha thinks Rachel Madcow is really Trump.

    IDK, enjoy your retirement, Harry. I hope it's a quiet one...

  6. Harry works for the richest people on the planet.
    He is a tool for the elite.

  7. Reid is an example of the swamp needs draining....its basically all he has done, that being a lifetime politican....to damn old and out of touch....basic democrat!

  8. Harry go retire already with your swollen eye and enjoy the next 8 yrs watching the DON Draining your old swamp.

  9. Term limits! He is proof of this need! Drain the Swamp! Bury the living dead!

  10. Reid and others like him are the ones placing fear in the hearts and minds of people. This is what's leading to the rioting. And where is Obama? In Greece. Makes you wonder what the liberals have up their sleeve.

  11. Reid is doing us a favor by running down the democrats in a hole they wont be able to come out of.

  12. He is an example of why we need 2 Term limits for ALL
    Congressman and Senators and Sup Court Judges *******

    Any longer...and they have Too Much Power ************

  13. This should be the FIRST thing done in the First 30 days !!


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