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Friday, November 25, 2016

Student Fakes Anti-Gay Notes from Trump Fan

A North Park University student fabricated a story where she claimed that President-Elect Donald Trump supporters had sent her “hateful” notes and emails following the 2016 Election, local police confirmed.

Taylor Volk, the Chicago college student, said on Nov. 14 that she had received notes and emails containing threatening and harassing language, along with mentions to Trump, according to NBC Chicago.

Volk said the notes were tacked onto her door, containing homophobic slurs and Trump references.

In a statement from the university, President David Parkyn confirmed that the student had “fabricated” the entire story.



  1. This is no more or no less a hate crime than some idiot painting a swastika on the side of a building, even though the "victim" is also the perpetrator.
    I firmly believe that the major percentage of this type of crime is done by the left.
    To coin a phrase, "there ought to be a law..."

  2. Their starting
    Getting desperate

  3. You're right. It's a hate crime.

  4. It's what the left does.

  5. Silly libtards go back to mommies basement.

  6. If this ever makes it to court, she'll get PBJ (Probation Before Judgement) or dropped charges with a stern warning from the judge. The judge will cite strange times and and youthful stupidity.


  7. Hope they can find her a 'safe space' off-campus and back home in the basement.

    Hoaxes like this need to carry genuine consequences since they are designed to cause disorder.


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