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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Statement From President-Elect Donald J. Trump On Green Party Recount Request

Editor's Note: This was released prior to Hillary announcing she will be joining the recount.


  1. It is really strange that the MSM is spending os much time on this issue.
    What about the Bond Market collapse?
    What about the price smash of gold and silver?
    What about the LIBOR scandal?

  2. This should be an indication to Trump that the Clinton's aren't going away peacefully at all. I feel he should re-consider his decision not to prosecute the Clinton's. This country deserves to be finally rid of this cancerous danger that has plagued Americans for far too long.

  3. Jill Stein raised only $1.5 million for her campaign but has raised almost $7 million for the recount. What's wrong with this picture?

  4. Grasping at straws this will only strengthen Trump and his agenda.

  5. The sore-loser Democrats are paying Stein and will never see their money again and maybe not a recount. Suckers! I agree Trump should reconsider to prosecute the Clintons and let them know. Maybe they'll end the recount nonsense.

  6. Jill Stein is a fraud. She tells everyone she's for the popular vote, telling everyone she doesn't know or understand the Constitution. How could she ever think she was qualified to be the president is beyond words. She's not only a fraud, she's ignorant. So much for the 'green party.' They're greener than anyone thought. 😏


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