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Saturday, November 26, 2016

SHAMELESS! Rosie O'Donnell Goes After Donald Trump's 10-Year Old Son

Comedian Rosie O'Donnell and President-elect Donald Trump have had a notably rocky relationship over the past decade or so. However, O'Donnall seems to be plumbing the depths of poor taste with her latest stunt.

On Tuesday, O'Donnell tweeted out a video which speculated that Trump's 10-year old son with wife Melanie is on the autism spectrum.

"Barron Trump Autistic?" O'Donnell tweeted. "[I]f so, what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic."

(Editor's Note: We've decided to provide an image of the tweet rather than an embed so as to not provide a direct link to the video in question.)

The responses to Rosie's tweet ware swift and brutal:

@Rosie @YouTube Wow, just when I thought you couldn't go any lower. You're exploiting a 10yr old boy, using hypotheticals, rather than fact.



  1. Once again Trump was right. Rosie is a classless pig. When was the last time she actually made a decent film? Hmmm. 😲

  2. Joe this needs to go back monday 12:00pm rosie needs ti go down for this one.

  3. Anonymous said...

    November 26, 2016 at 11:19 PM

    Hopefully your children and or grandchildren will be born autistic... YAY!!

    1. 1:52. Thank you but my children and grandson are just fine.

    2. No not if they have you as a mother/grandmother 😒

    3. 2:03 Better to have me than a racist, redneck, white trash TRUMP TROLL like yourself. 👏🏻👏🏻😏😏🙄🙄

    4. 1:52. Bless your heart. 🙄🙄

    5. 4:13. I see what you did there. Lmao. 2:03 will never get it.

    6. So what part of my response indicated I was white, racist, and a redneck? Who is the racist?🤔 I happen to be a black woman's who was offended that you were applauding the bullying of a child and/or any child with autism. You may want to look in the mirror...it seems you are the racist and the redneck 😒

    7. 8:31. Read Rosie's tweet dumbass. She wasn't bullying a child. Get your facts straight. 👏🏻👏🏻

    8. 8:31. YAY. BLM!! 😭😭😭😭

    9. @10:03 If you don't think that was bullying then you are the dumbass! But I shouldn't expect much from someone who applauds Rosie!! 👏🏻👏🏻

  4. There was much more of an uproar when LBJ's daughters were described as "semi-beautiful"; when Amy Carter was referred to as "Mrs. Beasley"; and Chelsea Clinton was rumored to have been beaten with an ugly stick.
    Where are the Libs on this one?

  5. has "she" looked in a mirror lately

  6. Rosies adopted daughter outed her on drug use, alcoholism and her bad parenting.Don't think she should open her fat mouth and say anything. Then again liberals have no shame anyway!

  7. She's just showing her bigot, racist, ignorant self to attack a child, maybe that's why her daughter left her.

  8. Comedian Rosie? Nothing Comedic about her at all. She's just trying to be relevant until the closed borders of Canada re-open!

    (insert laugh track for that lame joke!)

    Rosie - SHUT UP!

  9. Fat, untalented, lesbian.


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