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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sanders to Newsmax: Trump Prosecution of Hillary Is 'Beyond Comprehension'

Despite some hints from Donald Trump before and after Nov. 8 that he would support criminal prosecution of Hillary Clinton if elected president, former Democratic presidential hopeful Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders dismissed the possibility of such prosecution as "almost beyond comprehension."

Sanders, who waged a strong campaign against Clinton for the Democratic nomination this year, made his view of such a prosecution known to Newsmax Wednesday morning at a press breakfast in Washington, D.C. hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

"He said a whole lot of things," Sanders said of Trump's talk of prosecuting the former secretary of State, "Was he serious or were these just campaign slogans out there to gain some votes?"

The self-styled socialist told us, "It would be almost beyond comprehension to think that a new president would be involved in the prosecution of his opponent who ended up getting some 2 million more votes than he did."



  1. What does how many votes she got have to do with anything, Bernie?

  2. Sanders is almost beyond comprehension.
    The woman chose to put national security at risk for no other reason than personal gain, just for starters, with her exclusively personal email servers and devices. She meant to keep public information (owned by U.S. citizens) out of public reach, then deleted it when it was discovered that she had it. Then she lied about it, under oath, to Congress and the American people.
    The list goes on, involving hundreds of million of dollars for "speaking fees" linked to favors rendered by her office.

    The rationale for not prosecuting her is.....??

  3. I will be very disappointed if Trump does not put her in jail!! Of course, I expect Obama to pardon!

  4. Why is sanders still talking as if what he says matters? He got smashed by his own party and then he thanked them. He is a hack. Clinton will never see jail but I do think Congress will have another day with her.

  5. I am sure his more principled advisors are already explaining to him that charging his sometimes friend, Hillary Clinton with these same tired unfounded charges now that he has won is unAmerican, nonproductive, and a terrible price to pay in dollars,and goodwill.

  6. This should not even be news. Sanders has proven he is a moron.

  7. Tired, unfounded charges? Okaaaay....

  8. This perfectly fits the liberal agenda. It is wrong to prosecute a person in power if they break the law. The law is for the common people only. not the elite.

  9. Any criminals including Clinton should be prosecuted!!! LOCK HER UP!


  10. Her actions deserve close scrutiny from Congress, where she lied under oath (called perjury) and from the Dept of Justice after an Attorney General appointed by the new president has fumigated Obama's Dept of JustUs.

    If that occurs she'll be prosecuted. She should do hard time. Her crimes were premeditated and of the most serious order.

  11. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Trump will have the power to put her in jail? Really? OMG...we are in soooo much trouble. Ignorant.

  12. Two million more votes? Hardly. And if she isn't guilty, why is she asking for a pardon?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Are you really stupid enough to believe that Trump will have the power to put her in jail? Really? OMG...we are in soooo much trouble. Ignorant.

    November 19, 2016 at 9:22 PM

    No, that would be the courts job.


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