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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Republicans call on Clinton, Obama to reel in Soros-linked ‘professional’ protesters

After five days of anti-Trump protests and mayhem led by left-wing groups, including one linked to top Clinton donor George Soros, Republicans said Sunday that it’s time for Democrats to call off the dogs.

Kellyanne Conway, Republican president-elect Donald Trump’s campaign manager, urged President Obama, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to use their influence to talk down those she described as “professional” agitators “masquerading as protesters.”

“I think that the President of the United States, Secretary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, perhaps, others can come forward and ask for calm and ask for a peaceful transition and ask their supporters, which are masquerading as protesters now — many of them professional and paid by the way, I’m sure — ask them to give this man a chance so that this country can flourish,” Ms. Conway said on Fox News Sunday.

The far-left ANSWER Coalition and Socialist Alternative rushed to organize protest marches in major U.S. cities within hours of Mr. Trump’s presidential victory Tuesday, as did MoveOn.org, which has reportedly received funding from Mr. Soros, a billionaire.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that protesters recently spotted him and began banging on his car.

More here

[ “We want to make sure they feel welcome as they prepare to make this transition,” Obama said. “Most of all, I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed — because if you succeed, then the country succeeds.” ]


  1. They will not! They want the violence. I would expect things to get much worse before it gets better. Remember these protesters have already said people must die in order for things to change.

  2. Jail Soros for inciting riots

  3. They should be doing this!
    Obama is still President, so he should be the one to speak up to those low life protestors.

  4. That is funny.

    Mr. Soros cannot be "reeled in".
    He is an elite.

  5. Obama and Clinton work for Mr. Soros.
    Simple as that.


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