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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Remember when Hillary Clinton said it would be 'horrifying' if Trump didn't accept the election results?


  1. Let's stop talking about failed trash. We have a chance to lift our heads in pride once more. This trash needs to be in the background unless good news comes that the law will deal with the fat failed candidate.

  2. It's obvious that she doesn't know what she is saying , she reads from a screen and just repeats what she is told to do. I have never hated anyone in my 73 years of life until this year , I hate this woman , I also want her to feel the pain of the fallen soldiers I fought with until her last breath is gone.

  3. She won't go away until she's put away.

  4. 6:42 - Lock her up!

  5. Like this is any surprise. She's a democrat and ALL democrats are LIARS. The ONLY thing democrats excel at is lying. She does need to be rotting away in prison.

  6. 6:25-Nice try,but consider the source.

  7. Oh Yes, we Remember.......

    Isn't it funny now how she and Democrats are acting now
    that the table has turned the other way...

    Just proves they are Liars and Dirty and don't Practice
    what they Had Preached !!! What they had preached !!!!

  8. I mean have you seen the video which splices together the different statements she has made over the years where she flip-flopped on countless policies? Is this something that should surprise us? She will do and say whatever is best for Hillary Clinton, point blank.

  9. I just thank God that Air Force One does not have to be repainted to Broomstick One.

  10. More Horrifying if Clinton's camp Don't accept the Election
    Results .........Like Today and for the Last Several Weeks!!

  11. Clinton is good at talking out of both sides of her butt. Who even gives a crap about her anymore. She's not worth a millisecond of anyone's brainwaves. She's over. She needs to get herself a good criminal defense team assembled because come Jan 20th all bets are off that she'll be provided any criminal cover because her buddies will be gone! 🎻🎻🎻 🤔

  12. Finally, something out of reach of and a demotion for America's premier harpy.

  13. she should go bake some cookies for her loving husband


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