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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pro-Immigrant Leaders Demanding Obama Pardon all Illegals and for Expansion of Sanctuary Cities

Pro-Immigrant activists are calling on President Obama to pardon all immigrants who have illegally crossed into the United States and to expand the network of sanctuary cities to provide shelter and security for law-breaking aliens.

In a last ditch effort to protect those who may be deported under President Elect Trump’s immigration polices, several pro-immigrant leaders are pushing for a pardon for the estimated 11 million illegal aliens currently in the country.

Political director for PICO National Network, Bishop Dwayne Royster, said. “This is not a political issue; but rather a moral imperative. It’s time for President Obama to use his constitutional powers to protect vulnerable individuals and families and pardon communities from an administration intent on doing harm to those whom the bible calls, ‘the least of these’.”



  1. He can pardon them for breaking the law but the supreme court has ruled that ge CANNOT just make them citizens as he doesn't have the constitutional power to do so,
    As soon as Obama is out, so are these illegals

  2. Another wacky idea from the insane liberal population. The fact is they're breaking the law. 533 is absolutely correct. While they can be pardoned for their crime it makes no difference. They are still subject to deportation. Something liberals just don't get through their collective thick skulls. Additionally, another thing that makes this absolutely impossible is each and every person would have to A) Admit Guilt and B) Apply for a pardon. Liberals don't seem to understand how the pardon system works but yes they'd all have to file individually. No pardons can be issued for a 'group' of people. If he does this via some mass executive order then this could be overturned. Either way, as 533 said come January they're history. The more resistance they do now will only decrease the likelihood they will be able to return. 🤔

  3. PS it would be excellent if they did file individually because then Obama would have plenty of mind chatter busy work to keep him otherwise engaged during the Lame Duck instead of being like a person whose been evicted and destroy everything he can leading up to January 20th.

  4. They have to be charged with a crime to be pardoned. If they are here illegally the committed a crime, but no one has charged them.

    1. Nixon was never formally charged and received a pardon from Ford. Ended Ford's career but that's a story for another article. 🤔

  5. They Illegal ain't got Nothin Commin

    Get OUT of USA stealing our benefits and jobs ...GOOOOO !!!

    quit dreamin !!!! of any Pardon......

  6. illegals got No room to complain or Any right to either
    by the way....

  7. WAAAAAA!!!!!

    go back across the border you Illegally crossed to come
    here .......you remember were it is !!!!

  8. The SANCTUARY Cities are waiting in MEXICO ,just GO

  9. Funny how the majority of protesters are the actual illegals.


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