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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OSU Attacker Was a Somali 'Refugee'

An Ohio State University student plowed a car into a campus crowd, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.

Nine people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, but none of the injuries were considered life-threatening. The incident was initially reported as an "active shooter" situation, but the suspect did not shoot anyone.

A police officer was on the scene within a minute and killed the assailant. "He engaged the suspect and eliminated the threat," OSU Police Chief Craig Stone said.

Law enforcement officials told NBC News the suspect's name is Abdul Razaq Ali Artan, an 18-year-old student at the university. He was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan and then came to the United States in 2014 as a legal permanent resident of the United States, officials said.

The motive was unknown, although law enforcement sources said Artan posted a rant on social media prior to the incident. Officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.

"This was done on purpose," Stone said.

Officials said Artan was in the car by himself, but investigators are trying to determine if anyone else was involved in the planning.



  1. His citizenship should be rescinded postmortem. He is not an American.

  2. He was not a citizen either. Only a permanent resident (green card).

  3. And, I read he is living on Government hand outs to the amount of around 1800 a month. I worked over 40 years and that is far greater than my SS check. Thank you Obama for the other 13,000 you imported and living off us who busted our butts supporting America.

  4. Probably one of Obama's Dreamers!

  5. Once again, the government has proved impotent in vetting refugees for dissidence & terroristic tendencies, but liberals think it's okay for these people to walk among us. Shows you what side our government is on and it sure isn't ours. Same can be said the mentally deranged liberals that now try to force this crap on us.

  6. If Obamy had a son.

  7. Another fine example of Another one who should have Never
    been let in here......Thank the Democrats...

  8. That's what NO Vetting does , like Hillary and Obama
    like....... just let them all poor in ........


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